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What is Islam's political ideology? The answer reveals more about the religion than you'll expect

A common misconception many Christians may hold about Islam is that it is purely a religion and nothing more. Especially in Western culture, we are taught to see religion separate from other aspects of our lives, even politics.

As Christians, we need to understand that Islam is a religion that seeks political power. That’s why politics and religion are intertwined to fulfill the mission Allah placed on Muslims. This is called Islamism.

What does Islamism mean?

Islamism is the belief that Islamic ideologies, teachings, and practices should be used to create judicial and political systems. An example is the groups in western countries who diligently seek to set up the practice of Sharia law and change the political nature of such countries to serve their Islamic beliefs and practices.

In majority Muslim countries, Islamism is seen through the power given to the religious leaders who dictate the law of the land. We also see it in effect in conservative extreme Islamic groups who defend Islamism in these countries. They prevent any action taken by groups or governments to break out of the boundaries that Islamic Sharia Law imposes on Muslims and non-Muslim minorities alike.

Does Islam follow any type of political ideology?

Islam does not follow any political ideology other than its own. Islam has been a political entity from its beginning when Muhammad conquered various tribes to spread his empire. In general, Islam was not spread through a movement of  true conversions out of conviction, but instead through military takeovers and conversions for survival which restructured entire social and political systems. Not only did this empirical expansion create more followers for Islam, but it also brought in more land, money, and natural resources.

You can learn more about Muhammad and the start of Islam in these blogs:

Political gain is so important in Islam that it is said the End Days will only come once all nations are under the Law of Islam. This is a core concept of the Da’awa, or mission of Islam.

Today, there are 23 Islamic countries in which Islam impacts every detail of its people’s lives– social, political, and religious.

What about in non-Islamic countries?

In non-Islamic countries, the mission of Islam remains the same– to spread its influence over everything. We go into deeper details about this hidden threat in The Hidden Influence of Islam, but let’s look at the basics.

Islam’s main goal is to spread its influence and power. In modern times, it cannot effectively do this by waging wars on every country. Instead, many mosques and Islamic countries fund the active spread and promotion of Islamic ideals in other countries. This is easily hidden under the veil of “tolerance” of everyone’s religion, but once a foothold is gained, the forcefulness increases.

Muslims are told to always answer to the Quran and Allah over any human-made law that goes against their religion. When a Muslim follows the purest and truest form of Islam, this is when we see extreme violence and hatred.

Muhammad said in one hadith, "A Muslim has to listen to and obey (the order of his ruler) whether he likes it or not, as long as his orders involve not one in disobedience (to Allah), but if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed one should not listen to it or obey it.” (Sahih Bukhari 9:89:258)

Your Muslim friend might argue, “Aren’t Christians also called to answer to God above earthly laws? How does that make us different?” This is an important question because while on the surface they are right, we need to look at the true intention of each side.

When Christ came to earth, many of His followers believed He was going to overthrow the Roman rule over Israel and reinstate Israel as a kingdom. Jesus made it entirely clear that none of His goals were political, instead, He was set on freeing people from their sins. He was not interested in earthly power.

The same is true today. Christ does not want his followers to expand His kingdom through political or military ways, but to spread His Good News message which changes hearts and lives. Our focus as Christ-followers needs to always be the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20This is not what Muhammad and Allah’s goals are for Islam, because when Muslims are instructed to obey Allah above all else, this is both a spiritual and political instruction.

How to engage with my Muslim friend about politics?

We suggest staying clear of the topic of politics with your Muslim friend as much as you are able. For them, political identity is also their religious identity. Instead of getting stuck in the details, here are some things you can point out:

  • Your allegiance is to God’s kingdom above any earthly kingdom

  • Ultimately, you trust the Lord to be in control

  • Christ has called us to love people regardless of their worldly labels

My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.” John 15:12

Prayer for talking my Muslim friend to know Christ

Dear Lord, please break the chains that are around my Muslim friend’s heart. Give them curiosity to seek the truth and know your goodness. Please allow me to be a light of the Gospel in their life. Amen.

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