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The ideology of death in Islam

By Call of Love November 13, 2023

As a ministry, one of our goals is to provide the body of Christ with facts about the true teachings of Islam that come from the Quran and the Hadith in Arabic, not the Islam that is “Westernized” or the version the media tries to present. Without knowing Islam’s true identity, we cannot battle against the spiritual forces within it and break its strongholds on its followers.

The true ideology and doctrine of Islam are not followed by every Muslim, in fact, most Muslims do not know the dark sides in the core teachings of the religion they are following. This happens because Muslim scholars do not encourage their people to study and understand their religion, rather they are indoctrinated from a young age and are threatened with punishments, or even death, if they question it.

We believe that there is a spiritual enemy behind Islam. A spiritual enemy that directly attacks the Truth. Islam has had millions of victims over the past 1400 years, and the biggest tool it uses to claim these lives is an ideology of death.

What is Islam’s ideology of death?

The one way the enemy can make sure a person does not accept Christ as their savior is through their own death. If the enemy can convince a person to die for a false cause before they have the opportunity to know and accept Christ’s love, then the mission is accomplished.

In all of Muhammad’s teachings, there is only one way for a person to be saved, to gain Allah’s favor and receive an afterlife in paradise with many rewards. This one way is dying as a martyr for the sake of Islam. When Allah’s favor is kept just out of the Muslim’s reach and they are constantly in fear of being eternally punished, securing their fate by becoming martyrs is the only secure way for their salvation.

Islam urges its followers to die for many different reasons:

  • Expanding the ummah (worldwide community) of Islam

  • Gaining back lands taken from Muslims

  • Protecting the honor of Allah and his prophet Muhammad

  • In jihad against infidels (all non-Muslims)

These two verses from the Quran highlight Islam’s ideology of death:

Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for—rejoicing in Allah’s bounties and being delighted for those yet to join them. There will be no fear for them, nor will they grieve. They are joyful for receiving Allah’s grace and bounty, and that Allah does not deny the reward of the believers.” Quran 3:169-171

Let those who would sacrifice this life for the Hereafter fight in the cause of Allah. And whoever fights in Allah’s cause—whether they achieve martyrdom or victory—We will honour them with a great reward.” Quran 4:74

Jami at-Tirmidhi is an Islamic scholar who compiled one of the six trusted canonical hadith compilations in Sunni Islam between 864-884 AD. He summarized the rewards of the Muslim martyr: 

  • Allah immediately forgives their sins

  • Is not tormented by angels in his grave (Learn more here)

  • Does not have to go through “the great fright” – the Resurrection

  • Receives a crown of honor

  • Marries 72 houris in paradise

  • Gains the right to intercede for 70 of his relatives

(Jami al-Tirmidhi, 3:106:1712)

All of these verses show the motivations Islam gives its followers to die. In the end, they teach that dying for the sake of Islam gives them the best possible outcome.

How to talk about this with your Muslim friend

One of the most important differences between a life in Islam and the life that Jesus offers us is summed up in this verse:

“The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” John 10:10

Jesus’ words are a declaration of what His desire is for us. He offers us life that is abundant and free from sin through a loving relationship, while Islam forces rules and rituals onto Muslims and the end is death.Share this verse with your Muslim friend. Tell them that we do not have to pay for our own sins anymore, or offer ourselves as sacrifices in death, because Someone died in our place and became the Sacrifice so we would live. Talk about Jesus the Sacrifice who is alive. We have this resource to help you share who Jesus is with your Muslim friend: Introducing your Muslim friends to the True Jesus

You can start a conversation with your Muslim friend by asking questions. Getting them to think critically about the religion they are under might help them see how it traps them:

  • Is salvation guaranteed in Islam apart from dying as a martyr? 

  • What is it like being told the only way to guarantee an afterlife in paradise is by dying as a martyr?

  • If Allah wants you to die so you would receive his favor, then what is the point of living a good life on Earth?

  • Do you think there could be a greater purpose for your life than sacrificing yourself through martyrdom?

  • Are you allowed to ask questions so you can understand your beliefs on a deeper level?

Pray before approaching this conversation with your Muslim friend and be patient. Listen to them and what they believe, because their personal version of Islam could contradict true Islam which makes them non-believers in Islam. You can gently point this out to them. 

Talk with them openly about the loving relationship that you have with Jesus who promised you eternal life based on His work on the cross. This way they know there is more for them and God wants them to have life and life eternal.


Dear Lord, please free my Muslim friend from the lies of Islam. Open up their heart to receive your Truth so they can live an abundant life without fear. Amen.

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