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Enemies of the Jews: What Muhammad and the Quran say about Jews and why

By Call of Love November 13, 2023

Understanding the relationship between Islam and Judaism is important, especially when many sources are politically charged. It’s not a secret that there have been tensions between Muslims and Jews throughout history. Many different sources will try to say where this conflict originated, but the truth can be tracked to the 7th century when Islam started.

We will study what Islam teaches about Jews, but first, we are going to explain the reasons why Muhammad chose to single out God’s chosen people to be the main enemies of Islam.

Islam’s Meccan period- Trying to gain the favor of the Jews

Christian and Jewish tribes co-existed with idol worshiping tribes (including Muhammad’s) in the Arabian Peninsula. The Jewish tribes were mostly the richest merchants in the area. When Muhammad started his new religion, he wanted the approval of Jews and Christians in the Arabian Peninsula so he would gain followers from the majorities and the most influential.

He claimed to be a prophet sent by their God so they would believe in his message. During this period, when Muhammad was weak, unknown, and seeking to please the Jews and Christians, the messages he “claimed” to receive from Allah through an angel, which became part of the Quran, were peaceful and tolerant towards both Jews and Christians. This tolerant period is called the Meccan period (610-622 AD).

During this period, Muhammad adopted many Jewish practices into Islam– in fact, he even instructed his followers to pray facing Jerusalem (but he changed this later to face Mecca). Muhammad taught his followers to fast on the Jewish Day of Atonement. He also adopted the idea of the Sabbath, making Friday a special day of worship for Muslims—for the Jews, Sabbath began Friday evening. (source)

The Medinan period begins– Muhammad turns on the Jews

Throughout these first 10 years, the peaceful Meccan Period, and despite trying hard to prove his prophethood through failed miracles and consistent preaching, Muhammad was rejected by his own people as well as the Jewish and Christian tribes. 

Muhammad said in a Hadith: "Had only ten Jews (amongst their chiefs) believe me, all the Jews would definitely have believed me." Sahih al-Bukhari 3941 (Book 63, Hadith 165)

The Medinan period began when Muhammad’s own tribe finally drove him out of Mecca, because they refused to leave their worship of idols and follow Muhammad’s Allah. 

After taking refuge in a city called Medina and gathering thousands of fighters around him, Muhammad became a strong militant “prophet.” He returned to Mecca to convert it to Islam by force, but he was able to make a treaty with the Meccan merchants and gain all the power and wealth of that city.

Until his death, Muhammad waged 29 wars against the Christian and Jewish tribes who refused to become his followers. Entire Jewish tribes were annihilated, killing the men and taking women and children to become part of the Islamic community.

During the Medinan period, Allah’s language changed: Messages of force, war, hatred and enmity towards the Jews and Christians were given to Muhammad to empower him to eradicate them and make them Islam’s enemies forever.

Throughout the 14 centuries, there have always been Muslims who want to adopt the peaceful tolerant verses in the Quran in their relationship with Christians and Jews, but true Muslims and scholars realize that they have to adhere to the final messages Allah revealed to Muhammad, and that is the Medinan period with its enmity towards what the Quran calls “the People of the Book” (Christians and Jews).

These contradictions in the Quran fall under a theory in Islam called abrogation. This is when Allah replaced his old peaceful commands with new ones. All true Muslims must follow the latter even if deep down inside some want to live in peace with Christians and Jews. Learn more about abrogation in this blog post.

What does the Quran say about Jews?

You may be surprised to read the following Quranic verses where Allah affirms that Jews are enemies and hated by Allah:

Jews are hostile to Muslims:

Thou wilt surely find the most hostile of men to the believers are the Jews and the idolaters.” Quran 5:85

Ungodly Jews became apes and swine:

People of the Book, do you blame us for any other cause than that we believe in Allah, and what has been sent down to us, and what was sent down before, and that most of you are ungodly?…”Whomsoever Allah has cursed, and with whom He is wroth, and made some of them apes and swine, and worshippers of idols — they are worse situated, and have gone further astray from the right way.” Quran 5:59-60 (see also Quran 2:65) 

Jews need to be put down

The most obvious verses about what the Quran teaches about Jews are in the the 9th book of the Quran, At-Tawbah:

“Fight those who do not believe in Allah and the Last Day, nor comply with what Allah and His Messenger have forbidden, nor embrace the religion of truth from among those who were given the Scripture, until they pay the tax, willingly submitting, fully humbled.” Quran 9:29

Please note that in the original Arabic, the word “fight” in this verse means “to kill.” However, many translations change it to fight to “westernize” and soften the Quran’s original meaning.

There are many more verses that have these similar attitudes towards Jews, or as they are often referred to in the Quran, the People of the Book: Quran 5:51, Quran 2:139-140, Quran 3:69-71, Quran 4:89.

In summary, the Quran says that Jews were given the truth by Allah but have since fallen away from the truth and are no longer in Allah’s favor. Muhammad claims that Jews will try to lead Muslims away from the truth, and in the eyes of Islam’s ideology, this makes them an enemy.

If you want to know more about the Quran’s origin, we recommend reading this article

What does the Hadith say about the Jews

The Hadith is a collection of sayings from Muhammad compiled by his followers hundreds of years after his death. Most Muslims form their worldview and life practices from the Hadith, and it too contains verses about the Jews.

Muslims are taught that Jews are the enemies of Allah and that at the end of time they have to help Allah kill his enemies: 

Muhammad said: ‘The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. ‘O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him.’” Hadith al-Bukhari 2926

What can we do with this knowledge?

Knowing that we have factual knowledge of what the Quran and Muhammad say about Jews, we are better prepared for possible hard conversations surrounding the Holy Land conflict.

Let us remember that if a Muslim fears Allah and wants to submit to him, then they must hate and fight Jews and consider them enemies. The majority of Muslims have no idea why they must hate Jews. Many believe it only started when the country of Israel was established in 1948, but this enmity goes back to Muhammad’s reaction to the Jews’ refusal of him as a prophet.  

As Christ-followers, we do not suggest talking about this topic with your Muslim friend. There are many ways this conversation will turn ugly and political instead of being an opportunity to share the love of Christ with your friend.

We urge you, no matter what is happening around the world, to stay mission-minded and love your Muslim friend as Christ does. Focus on eternal topics and encourage your Muslim friend to do the same. Think of this verse before talking to your Muslim friend:

“Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:16


Dear Lord, please show me how to be a light in my Muslim friend’s life. Open up their eyes to see the truth so they can have a relationship with you. Amen.

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