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Current Events Guide: February 2023

We are a whole month into 2023, and there are many things that you could be discussing with your Muslim friend when it comes to current events. Let’s take a closer look at two events that could be talking points. Violence continues in Afghanistan

As the country of Afghanistan remains under the rule of the Taliban, violence has been a constant issue, especially in the capital city Kabul. One of the biggest names that fell victim to a deadly shooting was Mursal Nabizada, a woman who was previously a part of the Afghanistan government. She was the representative for Kabul in Afghanistan’s parliament since 2019. Unlike most of the female lawmakers in Afghanistan, Nabizada decided to stay in her country when the Taliban took over in August 2021.

Nabizada, 32,  and her security guard were killed on January 15 in the middle of the night by a shooter. While there has not been an official verdict on whether the murder was politically motivated or not, it is important to note that Nabizada was a very vocal opponent of the Taliban.

What Christians should say about this:

It is important to keep Afghanistan in your prayers, even if it is not regularly covered in the news. We need to pray for the underground church to grow as a beacon of light and hope for everyone, and ultimately for a new government to be established to keep everyone safe and free. Talk about Afghanistan with your Christian friends, and try to stay updated on how you can pray for them.

When it comes to talking with your Muslim friends about Afghanistan, you can ask them what their opinion is on the Taliban. There is nothing wrong with asking the hard-hitting questions, like what they think about the new restrictions on women (being banned from public spaces, prevented from going to school and university,  and being forced to cover themselves). To learn more about these topics and about Sharia law, check out these blogs:

When you have these hard discussions, pray over your words. Do not attack your Muslim friend’s beliefs or culture, and make sure you are speaking respectfully and sympathizing with the oppressed. Read their body language and responses, and be prepared to change the subject if they are not receptive to the conversation. To prevent awkward silences after a hard question and answer, ask about their personal experiences or share your own. This keeps the conversation on a personal level that is manageable instead of getting into big, theoretical arguments.

Islamic community gains right to perform animal sacrifices in homes

Muslims around the world are requested to sacrifice animals (sheep, goat, cows, etc.) during the Al-Adha Eid, a holiday where they commemorate Abraham’s sacrifice of his son Ismael (not Isaac). Muslims believe that many of their sins are forgiven on Al-Adha day if they sacrifice an animal and feed the poor from its meat. In 2023, the Al-Adha Eid starts on June 28 for 4 days.

In the United States, there are many restrictions and laws around animal sacrifice. Certain groups are even actively trying to get it banned entirely. But this January, the Hamtramck City Council, whose members are all Muslims, approved the practice for residents to sacrifice animals at home for religious purposes. This city near Detroit, Michigan has made this major change after the Muslim community objected. 

Hamtramck has one of the largest Muslim populations out of any city in the United States, so the issue of animal slaughter was very pertinent to a large portion of the community. In other cities around the United States, Muslims must adhere to the specific zoning laws of their state.

Under the new law in Hamtramck, there are legal steps a Muslim must take when they want to slaughter an animal, such as notifying the city, paying a small fee, and being willing to undergo a home inspection. 

What Christians should say about this:

Part of the beauty about the United States of America is freedom of religion. However, it is crucial for Christians to take note of how Islam might be gaining power and influence in the United States. Some Islamic parties try to present themselves as peace-seeking and interested in equality, when in reality, they are working towards gaining more power, through their religious and cultural practices, to then put Islamic Sharia Law into practice in western countries.

You can use this event to talk to your Muslim friend about their religious practices and ask them what they do during Eid al-Adha.

“With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints…” Ephesians 6:18

Prayer works! Even when it comes to these heavy topics, we know that God can work in the darkest times. Pray continually for your Muslim friend to know the true God and experience His love.


Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to talk to my Muslim friend. Please bless the words of our conversations to be beneficial and open their eyes to Your truth. May my words be a reflection of Your love and grace. Amen.

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