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Why you need to pray over your Muslim friends during Ramadan

The month of Ramadan is coming up! Ramadan is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is important for every Muslim so that they can gain Allah’s favor. This year, it begins April 2nd and goes until sundown on May 2nd.

Here is why it is so important for us to cover our Muslim friends and the entire Islamic world with prayer during Ramadan:

  1. As Muslims fast to please Allah, the Lord reveals their hungry spirit for Him and the insufficiency of their human effort.

  2. As they recite the entire Quran, truths about Jesus (Isa) in the Quran will confirm that He is more than a prophet.

  3. Praying for Muslims softens your heart towards them.

Akeem found the Lord during Ramadan

A few years ago, Akeem messaged our ministry contact center during Ramadan. He is an 18-year-old college student in Morocco. He wrote,  “I got closer to the Lord because of what I learned from your shows, but I am struggling because they do not accept someone practicing a religion other than Islam in Morocco."His own parents had threatened to disown him if he left Islam. We talked to Akeem about Jesus throughout the month of Ramadan, and he knew that Jesus had sacrificed Himself for us. After we answered his questions about Christ, he courageously  prayed with us accepting Jesus Christ as his Savior!

How to pray for your Muslim friend during Ramadan

  1. Pray that while they are trying to gain favor with Allah, they can discover the true God and His unfailing love.

  2. Pray for no health complications as they fast, especially if there will be extreme weather in your area.

  3. Pray for an opportunity to interact with them over this month.

  4. Pray for God to show them that they cannot please God through their works and to reveal to them that the only way to be saved is through Jesus.

  5. As they spend more time watching TV and on social media, they would tune in to Christian media and hear the Good News!


Dear Lord, please give me the right words to pray over my Muslim friends during Ramadan. I want their heart to be opened up to hearing Your truth. Please move in their lives right now to make them spiritually hungry for more than Islam and the lies they have been fed. I submit myself to be a part of Your plan and be a tool to further Your Kingdom. Amen.

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