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Who is Allah to the Muslim?

The core of the Christian faith can be summed up in one sentence: God wants to be in relationship with us! That is the story of the entire Bible. The Old Testament, with its prophets and Law, were a preparation for reconciliation through Jesus Christ. The New Testament tells the story of this reconciliation, and teaches how to be fully reconciled with our Creator and heavenly Father.

Sadly, for our Muslim friends, the story is different. The relationship they have with Allah (if we can even call it a relationship) is very different from the relationship Christians can have with God.

(If you’re interested in knowing about the differences between Allah and Yahweh, the God of the Bible, the one true God, please start at this blog post and come back here for a more in-depth discussion of the relationship aspect: Who is Allah compared to Yahweh?)

Why Christians needs to know this

Our relationship with God is the core of everything we believe in. It is one of the biggest things we can ever share with our Muslim friends! In order to share this relationship with our Muslim friend effectively, we need to be able to point out how it is different (and better) than what Allah offers them.

As you continue reading, begin to ask yourself, “How is God different from Allah? How does He treat me differently?” so that you already have answers for your Muslim friend when they ask you what the difference is!

What kind of relationship do Muslims have with Allah?

To answer this question, let’s go straight to the source and see what Islam’s books, the Quran and the Hadith have to say about the relationship that a Muslim is offered to have with Allah.

A master/slave relationship

When My servants/slaves ask you O Prophet about Me: I am truly near. I respond to one’s prayer when they call upon Me. So let them respond with obedience to Me and believe in Me, perhaps they will be guided to the Right Way.Surah 2:186

In this verse there is a reference to Allah’s servants, but in more true translations the word is “slaves.” This applies to all Quranic verse when Allah addresses his followers. Notice that Allah doesn’t even guarantee his slaves to  be guided in the right way. Even after their obedience and belief, he says, “Perhaps they will be guided…” What a discouraging promise for a committed Muslim! 

Loving only if they do good

“As for those who believe and do good, the Most Compassionate will certainly bless them with genuine love.” Surah 19:96 

“Spend in the cause of Allah and do not let your own hands throw you into destruction [by withholding]. And do good, for Allah certainly loves the good-doers.”  Surah 2:195

There’s a lot to unpack in these two verses. The first verse looks simple – if a Muslim believes and does good, they receive “genuine love” from Allah. But this translation of the Quran is not correct! The Arabic word in this verse is not “genuine love” but “wudd” (friendliness or acceptance). “Love” in Arabic is “hobb” or “mahabbah,” and this word is rarely mentioned in Allah’s promises. Even if Muslims claim that it is love, then we would argue that the Quran teaches that there are no true “good-doers.” And even if there were, there is no point at which someone can know that they have the approval of Allah. Therefore, Allah loving someone based on their deeds means that he loves no one or he may love only the few who reach that level.

The second verse is after Allah’s instructions to Muslims about going on their pilgrimage and following the Five Pillars. He was encouraging them to be generous to spend from their wealth and resources on such mandatory pillars. Notice that lack of spending for this cause leads a Muslim into destruction. 

Summary of a Muslim’s “relationship” with Allah

In a nutshell, a Muslim:

  • Not only fears Allah, but is afraid of him, his actions and reactions.

  • Tries to fulfill all the Pillars of Islam throughout their life, and have to do even more in the hope of gaining Allah’s approval or possible love.

  • Will never be sure whether Allah loves him.

  • Is a slave serving a Master who rarely communicates with them.

  • Is never qualified to know their god on a deeper personal level and should always beg Allah’s mercy on them.


Answering questions about how God relates to us

Let’s think back to the verses we just read, and answer the following:

“How is the God of the Bible different from Allah? How does He treat me differently?”

These are key to talking to your Muslim friend about your relationship with God, because it opens their eyes to how much more loving and consistent the true God is!

For starters, our relationship with God is that of a Father with His children, and a shepherd with His sheep. While reading these next verses, think about how God’s character compares to what we learned about Allah’s:

See how great a love the Father has bestowed on us, that we would be called children of God; and such we are.1 John 3:1

But you, O Lord, are a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness.Psalm 86:15

But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.Romans 5:8

We are children of God, whom He loved before we even knew Him! He is merciful and gracious and faithful to us! So just as much as we are called to be loyal to our Lord, even when we fail, we are not met with punishment, but with open arms welcoming us with mercy when we ask for forgiveness.

Talking about your relationship with God with your Muslim friend

You have your own personal story with the love of God. Share this with your Muslim friend! If you’re not sure how to enter into that conversation, we’re here to help. Sometimes all it takes is you asking them a question about their story with Allah to get a chance to share your own testimony:

  • I read that Allah treats you differently if He is angry with you. Is that a lot of pressure to live under?

  • I would love to tell you about this amazing thing God has done in my life if now is a good time!

  • Did you have a time in your life when you searched for the true God and then chose to follow Allah and the Quran or were you born into it? If you were born into it, have you ever questioned your faith?

You do not have to have a three-hour long theological conversation with your Muslim friend to leave a lasting impact on them and open up their curiosity about God. It could be a quick, “I am so grateful for what God has done for me this week! He answered my prayer/request in an amazing way!” That makes them wonder, “What relationship do they have? I want it.”

Praying for the right words

Heavenly Father, thank you for your steadfast love and unwavering faithfulness to me. Please show me the right way to share You with my Muslim friend. Open up a door in their heart for the truth to find its way in. Use me however you see fit. Amen.

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