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What are the Five Pillars of Islam? How to reach practicing Muslims with the gospel

five pillars of islam

One of the key differences that separates Islam from Christianity is the difference in how humans can receive forgiveness of their sins and gain eternal salvation.

As Christians, we know that we are saved through faith, washed by the blood of Christ. For Muslims, they believe they must follow certain requirements to the best of their ability to possibly enter paradise after they die, but nothing is guaranteed. 

The five pillars of Islam are mandated on all Muslims. Christians should understand these practices so we may realize how your friend’s faith affects their daily lives and even their worldview. 

The Five Pillars of Islam Explained

Shahada- Confession of the Creed

The first pillar of Islam is the “confession of faith.” Anyone who wants to convert to Islam or affirm his/her adherence to Islam must say this statement in Arabic:

“I testify there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of Allah.”

When Muslims say the creed, they have to be sincere in their heart and speak it in Arabic to be accepted by Allah. Even if they do not understand Arabic, they still must say it in Arabic and someone will translate the meaning to them (read more on this practice here). 

In addition to being the sign of conversion, Muslims repeat this creed tens of times every day, whether during their prayers or anytime they want to draw close to Allah. They hope that as they repeat it Allah will accept them and increase their rewards here and in the afterlife.

Salat - Prayer

Muslims are required to pray five times every day no matter where they are or what they are doing. They should stop and pray at these specified times: before sunrise, at noon, mid-afternoon, at sunset, and in the evening.

Muslims are only allowed to pray in Arabic, even if they do not understand it. They must adhere to specific postures and positions and recite specific sentences from the Quran in order for their prayers to be acceptable to Allah. Every Muslim must perform ablution (washing) before every prayer. This includes specific steps of cleansing the body to present themselves pure for prayer.

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