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Muslim friend questioning their faith? Help them find the truth in Jesus

As you have continuously poured into your Muslim friend, you have been speaking the gospel into their life and praying for them to accept Christ as their Lord. Sometimes when the time actually comes where your Muslim friend is considering leaving Islam, you can get caught off guard and wonder how to properly support them.

As a ministry engaging with Muslims who are questioning their faith every day, we want to equip our Christian brothers and sisters to know what our Muslim friends need when they are considering leaving Islam.

What is life like for a Muslim questioning their faith?

Part of the reason Islam is such a large religion in the world is because of the way it uses fear to control people. All Muslims are told they cannot leave or question their faith or else Allah will punish them (as well as their community).

Questioning their faith means questioning their entire livelihood. For the majority of Muslims, Islam influences every part of them– their community, jobs, social life, education, worldview, and diet. It is a big step to begin to explore other answers. It means leaving their life behind, and for some it might mean death.

How to support your Muslim friend who is questioning their faith

When your Muslim friend tells you they are beginning to question their faith, this is a sign that they already trust you. Do not set any expectations for how quickly they might be ready to accept Christ into their heart.

Enlist some of your Christian friends to begin praying for your Muslim friend. Having spiritual support will be beneficial as you start this next leg of your friend’s faith journey.

Make sure your friend knows you are here for any and all questions they may have. They may not have a copy of the Bible for themselves, so you can buy them one! Or if they worry it is unsafe to bring a Bible into their home, show them a safe way to download the Bible onto their phone.

Set up times to regularly check in with your Muslim friend, whether in-person or on the phone. Ensuring that your Muslim friend knows they are supported by you will help them have the confidence to continue searching for the truth.If your Muslim friend has questions you cannot answer, promise them to find the answer. We are here as a ministry to help, and we have a resource that could help you and your Muslim friend distinguish the differences between Islam and Christianity called The Simple Truth.

Helping them read the Quran and Bible

At some point, your friend may start comparing between the teachings of the Quran and the Bible, or they may decide to read the Quran one more time in an objective way to find out whether it is the true message. In both cases, do not hesitate to take the journey with your friend. Offer to read along with them so you both can discuss what you have read. If they prefer to do it on their own, assure them you are here for any questions or just to listen as they think out loud.

We have a blog post to help you solidify your knowledge of the differences between the Quran and the Bible so that you are prepared to talk to your Muslim friend about it: Facts you didn’t know about the sacred books of Islam.

Through all this, advise your Muslim friend to say this prayer every day, especially before they read the Bible or the Quran: “I seek you Creator of heaven and earth, You who created me, please guide me to your true way and show me how to follow you.”  

Remember that the Lord would not disappoint anyone who is truly seeking Him. Pray, wait, and expect! 

Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved.” Romans 10:13


Dear Lord, thank you for bringing my Muslim friend one step closer to knowing you. Please help me share the truth with them in a loving way. Give them the courage to step outside of what they have always known to know You. Amen.

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