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How all Christians can practically focus on sharing the Gospel during Ramadan

Ramadan has begun for your Muslim friends! In 2024, from March 11 to April 9, most Muslims around the world fast between sunrise and sunset to complete one of the mandated Five Pillars of Islam! Fasting during the month of Ramadan is supposed to erase a Muslim’s sins for the entire year and please Allah.

This is an important month for connecting with and evangelizing to your Muslim friends. If you don’t know much about the month of Ramadan, we recommend reading What is Ramadan and why is it the perfect time for sharing the gospel with Muslims. It is our blog post explaining Ramadan for a Christian, and we dive into why we should try to reach Muslims during Ramadan.

Ramadan is a great time for Christians to focus on sharing the gospel with Muslims, because during this month Muslims are very spiritually focused. Our prayer is that as Muslims are spiritually seeking Allah’s favor, their soul begins to hunger for more and they seek (and find!) the true Living God.

6 Questions for Christians to ask their Muslim friend about Ramadan

We always suggest asking your Muslim friend questions about their spiritual walk. Asking questions shows that you are interested in what they have to say, and will ensure they don’t feel attacked for their beliefs, but rather valued.

Ramadan is a great time to have a deeper conversation with your Muslim friend. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about this month of fasting. Your Muslim friend is probably more than happy to answer them, and it can open up an opportunity for you to have a quality spiritual conversation:

  1. Why do you fast during Ramadan?

  2. How old were you when you started fasting during Ramadan?

  3. What is the hardest part of Ramadan?

  4. What does fasting mean to you personally?

  5. What is it like living in a non-Islamic country during Ramadan?

  6. I learned that Ramadan is about fasting to erase your sins, isn’t that a lot of pressure on you? (Once they answer, you can ask to share about how Jesus’ grace paid for your sins and their sins)

3 Practical Steps to connecting with Muslims during Ramadan

You can do even more to witness to your Muslim friend during Ramadan than ask questions. After all, actions speak louder than words!

Here are 3 tangible and practical steps for loving your Muslim friend:

  1. Bring them a gift! Ramadan is equivalent to the Christmas season for your Muslim friends. Bringing them a gift, like a plant or dessert, is appropriate in the evening when the feasting takes place. 

  2. Accept the invitation to feast with them! If your Muslim friend invites you to break the fast with them, accept and go with the attitude of learning about their culture and growing the friendship further. Who knows, maybe this will open the door for you to invite them to a church event later.

  3. Do an easy activity together! This isn’t the month to invite your Muslim friend on a hike on a hot day. Instead, try out a new hobby with them in a cool, air-conditioned place. You could paint and talk together, or walk around your local mall.

“A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” John 13:34-35

Loving Muslims During Ramadan

Christ told His disciples that His church would be known by the way they love. Ramadan opens the door for reaching our Muslim friends for Christ, and we should be bold and obedient in answering Christ’s call.

To help more Muslims be awakened to the gospel this Ramadan, share this post with your Bible study group and church. So many Christians are not aware of what Ramadan is, but we can all commit this month to love our Muslim friends boldly during Ramadan by praying for them and engaging with them!

Prayer during Ramadan for Muslims to know Jesus

Jesus, I believe you are sovereign, even over a Muslim holiday. Use this month to bring the lost sheep home. Give them a spiritual hunger during their fasting that cannot be satisfied by Islam. If given the opportunity to share the Gospel with them, let the words I use reflect You and Your unfailing love. Amen.

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