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Current Events Guide: April 2023

In this month’s installment of our current events guides, we are going to look at news related to Islam and the Middle East. Being knowledgeable in these topics is key to having effective conversations with your Muslim friend, and may help open up their minds and heart to hear more about God’s love, peace, and truth.

Syrian unrest– more than earthquakes

Syria finds itself caught between two of its neighbors, Israel and Iran, and there have been multiple attacks against Iranian powers within Syrian borders. Even in the midst of recovering from the massive earthquake in February of this year and ongoing smaller earthquakes and tremors, this added political stress is another way that Syrian people are experiencing fear.

What should Christians say about this:

We need to keep Syria in our prayers! Pray that the Lord will calm the earthquakes so that the Syrian people can begin to rebuild their homes and for there to be no more lives lost. We can also pray that the underground church in Syria becomes a beacon of hope and that those who are hopeless can be introduced to Jesus!Even if we are not in the midst of earthquakes and a politically unstable climate ourselves, the way we respond to disheartening news speaks volumes to our Muslim friend. If anything about the political tensions in the Middle East comes up, try not to engage. But you can be respectful of their opinions and make a point that you trust God and are praying for safety and peace for everyone involved.

Ramadan 2023

Across the world, Muslims are fasting from sunrise to sundown because of Ramadan, the Islamic month of fasting. We have lots of resources to help you learn more about Ramadan, but today we are focusing on what has happened specifically this year.

In Pakistan, there was a stampede of people trying to get food from a free food center, which killed eight women and three children. Pakistan launched an initiative this Ramadan to give their poorest citizens flour to help them survive this month of fasting, as Pakistan’s economy is in terrible condition. (Source)

Every year, the religious traditions of Ramadan are accompanied by cultural traditions: Ramadan television specials. This year, many countries are upset by the political and scandalous nature of many specials, as they portray certain Islamic sects or countries as a whole in a negative light. Media analysts say that the rise in scandalous nature is to keep audiences engaged and prevent repetition in plots.

Millions of Muslims have gone to the mosques in Mecca and Medina for special Ramadan services, and millions more are expected to go before Ramadan is done.

What should Christians say about this:

If you have a Muslim friend, they’re fasting through April 20th, and odds are they are also watching Ramadan television specials and possibly worried about affording food as inflation is rising. Here are some questions we recommend asking your Muslim friend that show them you care without making it seem like you support their religion:

  • Do you believe that your fasting gets you into paradise? If you are not sure, then why do you fast?

  • How does fasting make you feel towards Allah?

  • Do you have a personal motivation for fasting or do you do it because it’s mandatory?

Iranian women protests continue

A video has gone viral of a man throwing yogurt on the heads of two unveiled women in an Iranian store. The laws in Iran require all women to cover their heads and wear loose fitting clothing; and the women in Iran are continuing to protest these laws. Both women in the video were arrested by the morality police for refusing to wear a hijab, and the man who threw yogurt on them was arrested as well for disturbing the peace.

Iranian officials are outraged that women continue to break the law, and promise no mercy for those who continue to take part in the hijab protests (source). In fact, Iranian officials encourage people to confront unveiled women, which has historically led to multiple attacks on women and was likely a contributing factor to the yogurt attack that happened earlier this month.

What should Christians say about this:

If the topic of hijab protests comes up with your Muslim friend, don’t shy away from an opportunity to ask their opinion. Younger Muslims who are more progressive might surprise you with their answers! Instead of focusing on your beliefs and opinions on the topic, it is best to always set the tone by asking questions and listening carefully to what your friend has to say. If they ask your opinion, be truthful and respectful, and make a point to say that you believe God has created everyone equal.

Hijabs are one of the ways that Islam disrespects women and devalues, discredits, and oppresses them. We know that God created men and women equally, and we especially know that women’s bodies aren’t inherently sinful any more than men’s bodies are, despite what Islam and other sources try to tell us. Read this to help you understand what the hijab truly represents and how to love your hijab-wearing Muslim friends: More than a hijab: Letting go of stereotypes and loving like Jesus.

Prayer for April 2023:

Dear Lord, I pray for Muslims around the world right now as they are fasting. Please allow their hearts to see the emptiness of Islam and hunger for more. Please protect those in Syria who have lost their homes or loved ones, and please let your Word spread throughout the country to comfort them. May your hand be over all the women and people in Iran who are protesting the hijab. Amen.

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