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Best resources for you when sharing the Gospel with Muslims

Are you passionate about evangelism? Are you starting to grow in your faith and want to learn how to share this amazing relationship with the world? Do you have a heart for evangelizing to Muslims?

Perfect, because we’ve gathered the best resources for you from people who have gone before you on this mission journey!

Best resources for learning about Islam

Answering Islam- This book examines orthodox Islam and gives counterarguments for every claim to strengthen your apologetics.

The Simple Truth- We compare 60 key beliefs in Islam to the biblical perspective. This book is short, and bullet pointed.

Call of Love’s Blog- New posts go up twice a week. We strive to provide you with the most accurate and up to date information on Islam, its practices, culture, and followers, so that you have a trusted source to turn to with any questions. At the end of every blog, we also give you practical tips on how to evangelize to your Muslim friends based on the topic.

Best resources for learning how to share the Gospel

One God, One Message- This book explores the question of whether or not the Bible has been corrupted, and along the way, you are reminded of what God’s one message is to humanity: The Gospel. A great read with your Muslim friend. 

The Guide to Loving Your Muslim Neighbor- Packed with practical tips and questions to start conversations, this book helps you communicate the love of God to our Muslim friends and answer any of their questions authentically and accurately.

Best resources to strengthen your faith

Dare to Explore- As you learn about Islam, one of the biggest religions in the world, you are given the opportunity to compare it with the Bible and grow in your relationship with God. Topics include: women, Jesus Christ, the character of God, heaven, and so much more.

Desiring God- This website has a wide variety of articles, books, and podcasts that cover a wide range of topics in the Christian faith.

Best places to learn about international current events

Open Doors USA- Open Doors USA publishes a World Watch List every year, updating Christians on the most dangerous countries in the world and how to pray for and support our brothers and sisters under persecution. If you want up-to-date information on the persecuted church, subscribe to their newsletter!

The Voice of the Martyrs- Another wonderful resource for you in keeping up to date on current events and persecution of the Church! They also have a magazine to which you can subscribe.

Ultimately, the best thing to share with your Muslim friends and the best thing to strengthen your own faith is the Bible. Ask a Muslim in your life if they would like to read with you and even give them a copy to keep.

If you have any specific questions or issues you want to look into, please email us directly at and we will help you find resources!

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