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Are Muslims scary? A Biblical study of fear from a woman who has lost friends to Islamic violence

In general, when humans encounter something unknown to them, they are afraid. It is our brain’s way to try to protect us from what we don’t know enough about yet.

This also happens when we hear negative news and messaging over and over again about a person or a group we do not know. We often form an unfavorable position or attitude towards them without trying to find out the truth. When this happens, truth and knowledge are the ways to replace fear and even hatred, along with asking the Lord to soften our hearts. 

Here’s a question we hear too often: Are Muslims scary? Isn’t it wise to be afraid of them?

We sat down with the co-founder of Call of Love Ministries, Samya, and asked her about this topic. Samya grew up in Lebanon during the civil war between the country’s Christians and Muslims. During this time Samya has had many friends killed at the hands of Muslims. She also lived most of her formative years under constant threat during the 15-year civil war in her country. So if anyone could have a justified reason to be afraid of Muslims, she would.

You’ll be surprised by what she said.

Should Christians be afraid of Muslims?

It’s not hard to find examples of violence in the name of Islam in the news or with a quick Google search. Perhaps you’ve never spoken to a Muslim and the woman next door who wears a hijab unsettles you. From what has been happening in the western world since September 11, it is easy for us to decide to fear Muslims and avoid them. 

“But as Christians, is this the right thing to do? Are we called to be afraid?” - Samya Johnson

Fear is our body’s way to protect us from a threat; we are afraid of lions because we know they could harm us and kill us. When it comes to people, we ask ourselves what harm they could do to us on a personal level or we associate them with a larger group that has done harm on a large scale.

The media tells us we should be scared of Muslims... the history of Islam tells us we should be scared of Muslims. What many Muslims have been doing in the past 30 years tells us we should avoid Muslims, because we don't know how to differentiate peaceful Muslims from terrorists.

If you are afraid of Muslims, then the solution is to take this fear to God. The Bible commands us to not be afraid, but rather have confidence in the Lord.

“For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control.” 1 Timothy 1:7 ESV

“I personally had to ask the Lord to heal my heart from my fear of Muslims, and He completely changed my heart and replaced my fear and hatred with His Agape love and compassion. 37 years ago, God showed me how lost Muslims are. They are fearful of the Allah they worship, to the extent that they are willing to kill and die to gain his eternal favor. ” Samya Johnson

Did you know Muslims are oppressed in a life of fear?

Did you know that Muslims themselves live in fear every day? The Lord opened Samya’s eyes to recognize this; they fear they are never doing enough, and Allah’s judgment on them will not be favorable. It is a life of fear.

Muslims who have come to know Christ as their Savior often share that the day they accepted Jesus as Lord, it was the first night they slept deeply and peacefully in their entire life. It was the first time in their life they were not burdened with earning their salvation and anxiety about death and the torture that awaits them in the grave

On another note, the Muslims around us see the fear in our eyes when we look at them. But have you ever thought that your Muslim neighbor or co-worker could be afraid of you? Yes, many believe you either don’t like them or even hate them! This means that now you have the opportunity to help break down these walls when you show them that you accept them and care for them.

Samya shared this prayer with us: "Lord, help me to hold the Muslim's hand and move them away from a life filled with fear from Allah, from what is mandated on them, to a life of freedom in Christ."

“Take your fear of Muslims to the Lord”

Samya says, “If you find yourself afraid of Muslims, then ask the Lord to change your heart; He will surely help you how He helped me. Jesus taught us to not be afraid of those who consider us enemies or persecute us. Why? Because He is in control and no harm can come to us, and not even one hair can fall due to persecution without His permission!”

“Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell. Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care. And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” Matthew 10: 28-31

As Christians, we are called out of fear and into courage and confidence. When you find yourself falling victim to a fear mindset, call on the Lord to set you free. 

Prayer for a healed heart towards Muslims

Dear Lord, please fill me with compassion towards Muslims. Help me recognize them as lost souls who are trapped in fear instead of fearing them and to show them your amazing love. Amen.

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