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5 ways to reach Muslims for Jesus during the summer

During summer times, there are more opportunities to spend time outside which gives us unique ways to connect with our Muslim friends and ultimately share the gospel with them! Here are some great ideas for how to use summer to build a relationship with your Muslim friend or neighbor so you can tell them about Jesus:

1. Invite them to a grill out

When you invite your Muslim friends, make sure to let them know that you will have halal-friendly foods! Most Muslims follow their religious rules about what to eat and what is forbidden. Learn more by reading our blog post about Islam’s dietary restrictions. While you are grilling and cooking, keep your Muslim friend’s halal-friendly food separate from any other dishes.

Always check with your Muslim friend about their personal preferences;  asking them about their religious diet will show that you really care about them. For Muslims, hospitality is one of the most important relationship-building tools .

Inviting them to a grill-out is a fun casual opportunity to connect with them and their family. This way relationships are built with their spouse and children as well, and you can continue to cultivate this more in the future.

2. Include them in holiday celebrations

With some special holidays like Independence Day and Labor Day coming up, include your Muslim friends in your celebrations and days off. Find a common interest that you can connect over, like going on a hike or walking in a beautiful park.

If you are hosting a holiday celebration, like a barbecue or dinner party, invite your Muslim friend to join! We’ve outlined the best ways to include them in these celebrations in articles here.

3. Get outside

Do you normally meet your Muslim friend for coffee or for lunch in a crowded restaurant? Replace it with exploring God's creation. Find new parks and lakes to share and enjoy with them.

While outside, you can talk to your Muslim friend about the beauty of creation and how it points you to God’s character. They will probably say they agree with you, but you can take it one step further and explain how the God of the Bible is different from Allah. (We’ve explained this all in a blog post here if you want help!)

Of course, not everything needs to be a deep theological conversation with your Muslim friend. It’s important for you to love them like Christ, which also means simply spending quality time with them and forging a friendship.

In fact, many Muslim guys enjoy playing soccer. Maybe you can form a team and play together while the women enjoy snacks on the sidelines. Remember, ladies, even if you would rather be out on the soccer field, it is polite to remain with the Muslim women, who may not be playing. You could go on a walk with the wife, or if the couple is less traditional, you can also start a women’s soccer game on a field nearby.

This could even open up a conversation about using sports or your special talents as a way to worship and honor God. Muslims do not have an intimate and loving relationship with Allah, so sharing about your relationship with Jesus is a powerful way to share His love with your friend.

4. Arrange some playdates for the kids

The kids are out of school now, and summertime doesn’t mean they should be stuck at home all day! As the kids play together, parents can take time to get to know the Muslim couple – dads talking to dads and moms talking to moms. In Islam, it is uncommon for married men and women to be friends with the opposite gender, so approach the family accordingly.

If you know that a Muslim mother is looking for something for her kids to do, tell her about the opportunity to have her children attend a Vacation Bible School with your kids. Many Muslim families appreciate that their children will be in a safe place at church, and it gives the mother a chance to run errands and run the household without distractions. Make sure you explain to them what happens and what the children will do.  Then ask the mom to get coffee one morning while the kids are at VBS.

We have specific resources about how men and women can form relationships with their Muslim friends of the same gender– with ideas and topics to talk about!

5. Pool Day

Arranging a pool day is a great way for your two families to connect. It can be a pool day for the kids while you, the parents, socialize. Especially since the Muslim mother/wife might choose to not swim, it is important for the Christian woman to stay with her and build their relationship.

Note that on a pool day, be considerate of your Muslim friends’ levels of modesty and expectations. Ladies, we suggest calling the Muslim mother and asking her what she is comfortable with. If she swims, you can swim too!

Wear non-revealing swimsuits, because you are a representative of Christ everywhere– especially at the pool with a Muslim family.

Whatever you choose to do with your Muslim friends this summer to grow closer to them, pray before you go! Ask that God would use this time as a witness of Jesus’ love in your heart and life.

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” Romans 15:13

Prayer for telling your Muslim friend about Christ

Dear Lord, please allow my actions to be proof of Your gospel at work in me. As I spend time with my Muslim friend, please help me love them well and point them towards You. Amen.

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