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Everything You Should Know About the Ummah Of Islam in a Muslim's Life

Worldwide presence and growth is a core value in Islam. From the beginning, Muhammad cast a vision for his followers to honor, grow, and protect their religious, social, and political presence through his teachings about the one community or body of Islam. 

This global body of Muslims is known as the “ummah” or “umma” of Islam. The Arabic word “ummah” means nation or community, and is mentioned often in the Quran.“And so We have made you believers an upright community (ummah) so that you may be witnesses over humanity and that the Messenger may be a witness over you.” Surah 2:143

There are two ummahs in the world according to Islam.

The ummah of response: this includes those who have answered Allah’s invitation to follow him– Muslims.

The ummah of invitation: this “community” includes those who are invited to follow Allah, essentially all of humanity who are non-Muslims.

The requirements and duties for the Ummah of Islam

There are many things required of Muslims, such as faithfully practicing the Five Pillars of Islam like prayer, fasting, and pilgrimage. But there are two specific roles every devout Muslim must play and are directly connected to the ummah of Islam.

Defending and protecting the Ummah 

First, every Muslim is required to defend and protect the honor of Islam, Allah, and Muhammad. A Muslim must stop anything that brings humiliation to the ummah, whether exposing parts of Muhammad’s life and practices that are shameful, or disrespecting the Quran and its content.

A Muslim must also defend other Muslims in the ummah, especially religious and political leaders, believing that their good standing is directly associated with that of the ummah.

Expanding the Ummah

Second, every Muslim has a duty to expand the ummah of Islam. This is done in three main ways: direct da’wa (converting non-Muslims), indirect da’wa, and through marriage and procreation.

Direct da’wa is the missional work a Muslim does to convert non-Muslims. Whether the Muslim lives in a majority Muslim country or in the West, they have the same job: share about Islam, encourage people to visit the mosques, feed meals in your house, and invite non-Muslims to follow Islam. 

Indirect da’wa is practiced both in majority Islamic countries and in the West. For example, in Arab countries, Muslims are encouraged to control how much real estate Christians can own. In many Islamic countries, Christians are forced to sell their homes, shops, and lands to Muslims so the entire street or village is Muslim. The government also controls the percentage of Christians who work in high positions in education, the judicial system, and all other major areas, so Christians cannot influence key decisions. 

In the West, indirect da’wa was done in secret before, but is now out in the open. Muslim businessmen, educators, chaplains, and religious leaders continue to immigrate and plant Islamic roots in all domains. The ummah of Islam continues to grow in the West through building mosques and Islamic schools and establishing Islamic groups in all colleges. They attract non-Muslims by opening new businesses with Islamic influence like grocery stores, restaurants, gas stations, and even non-profits that attract single mothers, divorced women, and unemployed young men. Muslims work hard to take important positions in the government, hospitals, public schools, and neighborhood associations to have more influence.

Growing the ummah inwardly is practiced through procreation. In fact, having a family is a requirement for every Muslim in order to make more Muslims. A man is allowed to marry as many as four wives at one time, and is encouraged to have as many children as possible in order to increase the ‘Ummah’ of Islam.

Learn more about the family dynamics in Islam and how this affects children, wives, and husbands: Blogs on family in Islam

The end-times for the Ummah

Interestingly, the duty for the Muslim to protect, defend, and expand the ummah continues until the day comes when Prophet Isa (Jesus of the Quran) will return and convert all people to Islam. The entire world becomes one ummah, under the banner of the Muslims Isa.

This is based on several Hadiths by Muhammad:

Muhammad said: "By Him in Whose Hands my soul is, surely (Jesus,) the son of Mary will soon descend amongst you and will judge mankind justly (as a Just Ruler); he will break the Cross and kill the pigs and there will be no Jizya (i.e. taxation taken from non Muslims). Money will be in abundance so that nobody will accept it, and a single prostration to Allah (in prayer) will be better than the whole world and whatever is in it.” Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 55, Number 657.

Muhammad said: “Hearken! There is no Prophet and Messenger between me and the Forthcoming Jesus. He is the Khalifa in my Ummah after me. Verily, He will kill the Dajjal, and break the cross, and abolish war. Anyone from among you who sees him, should convey my Salam to him.” (Tabarani, Hadith #5040)

What should a Christian do if a Muslim talks to them about joining Islam?

There are many ways a Muslim might try to expand the ummah of Islam with a Christian. First, there are the more modern methods of dating or marrying to convert; if you have a Christian friend entering a dating relationship with a Muslim, you should read this post to know how to respond.

If a Muslim appears to be inviting you to convert to Islam, then you need to be very clear about your faith. However, do not completely close the door of this friendship and cut them off!

Ask them questions! You’re asking to learn where they are spiritually and to provoke your Muslim friend to critically examine their own beliefs. This is also a great way to introduce them to Christ and share your beliefs without seeming forceful. Here are some examples:

  • When did you become a Muslim? Why did you follow Allah?

  • You know I follow Christ. I believe that He paid the price of my sin when He died in my place and rose again. So now, I am guaranteed eternal salvation and heaven. Does your faith in Allah provide this guarantee that brings peace?

  • I am not following Christ because I was born into a Christian home. Faith cannot be inherited. Each one of us is responsible in front of God. Could I share with you how I came to believe in Christ?

You can be a part of your Muslim friend’s spiritual journey. They could be in a place where they have started to question their beliefs, or they have decided that Allah cannot be the true Creator, and they are searching for Him. Always be on the lookout for ways to probe, ask and answer questions, and invite them to accept Christ as their Lord and Savior. Then they will become part of the true Body of Christ, the community of worldwide believers who are His Church.

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves or free—and all were made to drink of one Spirit.” 1 Corinthians 12:12-13

Prayer for Muslim friend

Dear Lord, please give me the grace and the right words to share Your love with my Muslim friend. Touch their heart to be open to Your truth. Amen.

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