In the Ten Commandments, there is a clear rule that any stealing is a sin. Christians are known throughout the Muslim world that they can be trusted because they do not steal. But does Islam permit its followers to steal?
Many Christians who live in Islamic countries share similar stories about being robbed by the Muslims around them – especially if they own a shop with valuable merchandise. If you ask them if they have reported this robbery to the police, most Christians would shake their head and say, “There would be no point.”
Theft is not legal in Islamic countries or encouraged by any means – in fact theft is not allowed in the Quran and is looked down upon in many hadiths. But this does not help the Christians who live in Islamic countries. Why?
First, let’s study what the Quran and Hadith say about theft and stealing to clarify what is taught. Then we will see why there is a gray area around stealing from Christians (or non-Muslims).
Verses in the Quran and Hadith about stealing
In the written law of Islam, which is taken directly from the Quran and is called “Sharia law,” the punishment for stealing is severe:
“As for male and female thieves, cut off their hands for what they have done—a deterrent from Allah. And Allah is Almighty, All-Wise.” Surah 5:38
This is not the only severe punishment prescribed in Sharia law – it also includes stoning for adulterers and lashes for drinking (you can read more about this here).
Muhammad taught in the hadith: "The hand should be cut off for stealing something that is worth a quarter of a Dinar or more." Al Bukhari Volume 8, Book 81, Number 780.
Also, in the following section of a hadith, we read about Muhammad rejecting a new follower’s offer of wealth because he had stolen it from a non-Mulim whom he betrayed and killed:“Every betrayer will have a banner by his backside on the Day of Resurrection, by which his betrayal will be known… As for your Islam, we accept it, and as for the wealth it is obtained through treachery, and we have no need of it.” Al-Umm, 4/284
Another important term to recognize is khuffar – this means non-Muslims. This can also be spelled kaafir, kuffaar, or other ways; the singular word is kaafir. It is not permissible to steal from someone if you have established peace with them, whether they are Muslim or non-Muslim.
But it’s important to note that Muslim teachers use this hadith to specify that you cannot steal from a non-Muslim (kaffir) if you have entered into a treaty (or agreement of peace, including citizenship in a non-Muslim country) with them. There is no written guideline about stealing from non-Muslims (khuffar) if you haven’t entered a treaty with them.
Why do Muslims steal from non-Muslims sometimes?
In most Islamic countries, it is an unwritten rule that Muslims can steal from non-Muslims, especially Christians or Jews who are considered lower-class citizens, and not face repercussions. Except in the sacred month of Ramadan, stealing is practiced among Muslims who believe that the wealth of non-Muslims is their halal (right).
This rule is not a doctrine in Islam, however countless Christians in Islamic countries are robbed by Muslims who attack their businesses. Because they have fewer rights and standing with the Islamic authorities, there is no use in reporting it to the police. This empowers Muslims to steal and rob knowing that their fellow local policemen will not take any action if the Christian reports them.
Many Muslims feel it is their right to take from the khuffar, infidel non-Muslims, who live under the government’s Islamic rule. They believe they do not have the right to prosperity. This is often a cultural and social belief.
Of course, every Muslim can have their personal beliefs and interpretations of this general rule based on how they grew up, what they were taught, and what they saw the Muslims around them do. This isn’t something you need to address with your Muslim friend or neighbor, especially since it could easily put unnecessary tension on your relationship.
“Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men..” Romans 12:17-18
What to do if the topic of stealing comes up with your Muslim friend?
If you are with your Muslim friend and the topic of stealing comes up, handle it with as much grace and humility as possible. Focus on telling them what God’s word says and how you obey His commands to love others above yourself.
Oftentimes, Muslims are surprised by the way Christians live once they get to know them more personally. Many Muslims believe incorrectly that Western media, with its corruption and sinfulness, represents Christian values. But when they see how you live your life you will have the opportunity to explain more about what Jesus Christ teaches you, starting with the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5.
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.” Philippians 2:3-4.
Prayer for Christians witnessing to Muslims
Dear Lord, please guide me in living humbly and lovingly. I want to honor you in all I do so that my life is a light to my Muslim neighbors. May Your name be glorified, not mine. Amen.