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Tips for Christian teens trying to share the gospel with their Muslim friend

Evangelism and sharing the love of Christ with your Muslim neighbor or friend is not limited to a certain age. Many of our blogs are written with an adult audience in mind, but this is specifically for teens who have a Muslim friend their age!

First things first! Remember what Paul tells his disciple Timothy: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity,” in 1 Timothy 4:12.

Your youth is not a reason you can’t share the gospel with your Muslim friend or classmate, or coworker. But to help you feel prepared, here are some of the most natural ways you can talk about your faith.

Simplest ways to talk about your faith with a Muslim friend or classmate

Regardless of whether you know your Muslim friend through school, work, or extracurriculars, these are a few setups that might help you and your friend feel more at ease when talking about your faiths:

1. In a cozy and fun coffee shop– Finding an environment that you and your friend find comfortable will naturally make you both less nervous if you begin talking about your faiths.

Coffee shops are usually the first place our mind goes to when we think about meeting someone, but any place where you and your Muslim friend are comfortable is a good idea! You can go on a walk in a local park, head to the mall, or go to a local farmers market.

2. In a group with friends– Talking about faith in a group with your Muslim friend will ultimately make sure they do not feel singled out for their beliefs. It still gives you the opportunity to learn about their worldview and life, but is probably the least intimidating way to bring up this topic.

Ask general questions to all of your friends about their religious beliefs, and if your Muslim friend is the only Muslim in the group, make sure that they are given time to speak and are respected by everyone present. Doing this will let your Muslim friend know that you are someone who respects them and cares about them.

If you are in a group of friends that is predominantly Muslim and you are the only Christian, this is not a good time to bring up controversial topics. The conversation could quickly turn into a debate or argument, which is not the point!

3. Over the phone– Yes, it's true! It’s not “cheating” if you text your Muslim friend and share about Jesus. As the younger generations are entering the evangelism scene, there is a growing movement of “digital evangelism.” This means using the technology and tools which God enabled us to create to share the gospel and love people!

All it takes is an open-minded question to open up a conversation about the Bible, Jesus, or true Christian living. Texting about such heavy topics can be a way to integrate these topics into your relationship but in a way where you both can feel more at ease when you begin to talk about it in person. There is a level of casualness and protection through a screen that can put your friend at ease and help them feel open to talking about their religious beliefs and doubts.

4. Social media– Don’t have your friend’s number? Don’t forget that social media can also be used as an evangelism tool! You can share your faith on social media to a big audience or with specific people.

Posting an encouraging verse on your story might prompt your Muslim friend to swipe up and start a conversation. You can also individually send them a reel or post that references a verse as a way to encourage them.

Easy to follow prompts to start a conversation about faith

Now that we’ve talked about where you can have a beneficial conversation about your faith with your Muslim friend, let’s talk about how you can start one! Asking questions about a friend’s beliefs often leads to them asking you the same thing. Here are some suggested questions:

  • Were you raised in Islam? What was that like?

  • Do you remember if you ever had questions about God?

  • Have you had a time when you felt you needed to understand the religion you inherited from your family so you can make your own decision?

Don’t be afraid to be the first person in your friend’s life to bring up such clear and courageous questions. Being uncomfortable for a short time is so worth it when you think about the possibility of introducing your Muslim friend to the love of Jesus!


Dear Lord, please give me the courage to talk about my faith. Give my Muslim friend a hunger to have more than the rituals of Islam in their life. Let me be a witness to your Son’s love and His amazing Cross. Amen.

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