As Mother’s Day is coming up, this can be a great time to reach out to your Muslim friend who is a mother! In order to best love your friend, it is important to know where they come from. Before we look over ways that we can practically love our Muslim friend, we’re going to learn what life is like for Muslim mothers.
Motherhood as a Muslim woman
Having children is an explicit expectation for all Muslim women, so as girls are raised they are taught to expect to be mothers. Daughters are valued less than the sons in Muslim families, so they are hidden from the public eye, especially in Islamic countries. They are taught to serve their male siblings, doing the laundry and cooking with their mother in the home.
When a woman is married, she goes under the guardianship of her husband. The hierarchy of a Muslim family is clear, though lived out individually in each respective family: the husband is above everyone, including his wife.
A mother’s role in a Muslim family is to take care of the children and complete all domestic labor tasks. She often raises the children entirely on her own, especially when the children are under five. Their lives are often incredibly isolated; they only grow close to other women in their family: mothers, sisters, and cousins.
The mother’s influence on her children continues even after they grow up and get married. For Muslims, a mother must be revered and never angered. Adult children continue to seek their mother’s approval and blessing for their actions and lives till she dies. It is believed that if a mother dies and she is not pleased with her son or daughter the guilt of this sin follows them all their lives.
Disobeying the parents is one of the major sins according to Muhammad in the Hadith:
The major sins are “... associating idols with Allah, disobedience to parents, killing a person, and false testimony.” Source: Ṣaḥīḥ al-Bukhārī 5632, Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim 88
How to celebrate your Muslim friend for Mother’s Day
Your Muslim friend may not get much thanks for her role as the one who has raised the children and runs the home. Taking the time to show her that you see how hard she works will mean a lot to her. Here are some great ways to do this:
Bring her a meal: Making a dish that you know your Muslim friend loves can make her feel appreciated and take some pressure off her for a night. Make sure it is halal-friendly, which means appropriate for Islamic diet. Instead of surprising your Muslim friend with a meal it might be best to ask them what they would like for a meal.
Get her flowers: This is a classic for appreciating women and getting her flowers gives her a reason to smile. When she looks at them in her house, she can feel loved as she thinks of you!
Ask her to meet up for coffee: Sometimes all a mom needs is a break from her daily routine. Make sure you pick a place she is comfortable with and just enjoy listening to her and encouraging her.
However you feel is best to celebrate your Muslim friend for Mother’s day, make sure that it is done in a way that makes her feel loved and appreciated. This is a wonderful time to share the unconditional love of Christ with her!
Dear Lord, I pray that my Muslim friend can feel loved and appreciated this Mother’s Day. Give me the insight to know how to best celebrate her, and let our time and conversation together be honoring to you. Amen.