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Stories of Muslims finding Christ in Islamic countries

Muslims finding Christ

It is a gift to hear the Lord’s work in changing lives, especially in hearing how the gospel penetrates hearts in the most unlikely of places where sharing the gospel is illegal. Islam tries to block out any mention of the gospel, whether through the law or social persecution of anyone who mentions the gospel. Still, the Good News of Jesus Christ continues to reach Muslims and change lives.

God has honored us as a ministry to be part of these precious Muslims’ journey to know Christ as Lord.

These are true stories, but the names and key identifying features have been changed.

Majed and his wife Jamila found Christ together in Yemen

Majed and his wife Jamila were always proper Muslims in Yemen. They had 5 children and worked hard to be devout to Allah. Majed’s mother and uncle had left Islam to secretly follow Christ, but when Majed found out, he was determined to stay true to his religion.

One night, Majed had a dream that his house was burning down. He ran outside to find a man extinguishing the fire for him. A bystander in his dream explained to Majed that it was Christ putting out the fire.

Majed could not resist the pull of discovering more about Christ; he sought for more information on Him. One day he discovered our Arabic gospel satellite channel, and afterwards he invited his wife Jamila to watch with him. Together, they learned about Jesus and called our contact center with questions.

Once they understood who Christ truly is, Majed and Jamila accepted Jesus as their Savior on the phone with our contact center team! Now they are in our secure online Arabic church growing in their faith and learning how to build their family on Christ.

Dunia resented Islam, and found acceptance in Christ

Dunia has been a Muslim her whole life but she resents Islam because of her parent’s divorce. Her father divorced her mother, leaving her to fend for herself with three daughters. Dunia never understood the unfair treatment of her mother as a divorced woman. 

Dunia works as a media personality on a popular television station in Iraq, but her life still feels hollow. She had a Christian friend who noticed this and he invited her to attend church with him. After going to a church service, Dunia’s heart was filled with questions about who Christ is and how she could know him.

Her friend gave her our contact center’s phone number, and she began to fervently send us questions about Christ’s divinity, miracles, and how his sacrifice can save people. After several phone calls, Dunia was so excited to claim Christ as her King and surrender her life to him!

Now Dunia is being actively discipled and reading through the gospel of Luke with our team.

Emir, the Moroccan father, found Christ

Emir is a hardworking father in Morocco who discovered our gospel Arabic satellite TV channel. Because of the openness and direct love shown on the channel, he reached out asking for financial support and generosity. His wife and three daughters are Muslim, and he couldn't tell them he was seeking support from a Christian channel.

The contact center team was able to point him to some tools to help him, but knew it was more important to talk to him about his spiritual situation, not his finances. Emir confessed he had prayed secretly and asked for Jesus Christ to save him.

Emir was hungry to learn about Christ, quickly reading the gospel of John. Eventually he agreed to a phone call, and he accepted Christ in secret over the phone. Now, his prayer is to show Christ’s love to his wife and daughters, whose hearts are very hardened by Islam.

Ayman hated all religions, but loved Christ

Ayman is a father from Jordan who was part of a very devout Muslim family. He found our satellite channel and began to watch, drawn in by Jesus.  Ayman shared that he hates all religions but he wanted to speak with us about Jesus. 

After agreeing to have a phone call, one of our contact center members called him and explained that Christ did not come to establish a religion, but Jesus wants a relationship with us! Ayman was encouraged by this, but said he needed more time to learn about Jesus.

A few days later, Ayman criticized Islam in front of his wife and family. They immediately beat him and threatened his life. He called us, declaring that he hated Islam and wanted to be free.

Ayman said, “I am convinced of everything you have told me about Jesus, but I am afraid that I will be tortured, imprisoned, or killed.”

We told Ayman that Jesus promised to be with us always, and that he should not share his new faith with anyone right away. Ayman felt peace come over him and he prayed with us on the phone to surrender his life to Christ!  We started the discipleship journey with him. 

These are just a few of the hundreds of people who are coming to know Christ in the heart of Islamic territory. It is vital for these believers to have resources and support in their faith journey. You can learn more about how to support these believers or truth-seeking Muslims here

Prayer for Muslim-background believers in Islamic countries

Dear Lord, please continue to keep these believers safe. Give them peace and strength to stand firm in their relationship with you. Thank you for shedding light in the darkest places. Amen.

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