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Simple Steps for including your Muslim friends this holiday season

Muslims are very curious to understand how Christians celebrate Christmas. From a Muslim’s point of view, they only see the gift-giving, decorations, and big feasts that come around every December. They assume that Christmas is similar to their Eid Alfitr, three days of feasting and gift exchanges that comes right after Ramadan's 28 days of fasting.  That's why this season is the perfect time to open the door for a conversation about our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We’ve come up with some simple ideas to introduce your Muslim friend to Jesus. 

Practical Steps this Christmas

  1. Invite them into your home—Islam values hospitality, and thankfully the holidays are filled with opportunities to invite the Muslim family you know to your home for some Christmas dessert and tea. Watch a video version of the Christmas story together (make sure to have a cartoon option for the kids!); if they seem to enjoy the movie, share the Gospel of Luke and point out where they can read the real Christmas story.

  2. Include them in events you’re attending—If there is a Christmas play at your church or in your area, invite them to join you and make sure to remind them several times as the date gets close. This will show that you are authentically excited for them to join you (and it makes it harder for them to back out). Invite the family back to your house after the performance to open up a conversation about it. It also won’t hurt to play some Christian Christmas music during their visit.

  3. Give them a gift— It is very fitting to give your Muslim friends a gift during the holiday season. Give something that will remind them of you (and your faith) such as a Christmas plant, an ornament with a Bible verse, or some sweets (that has no lard). Gifts speak their language of hospitality and generosity, and present another opportunity to talk about Jesus.

  4. Love them like Jesus— Give your Muslim friends the gift of Christ-like love this season. Maybe you’re just starting a new friendship, then a Christmas party is a great place to start. If they’re comfortable with you, this might be the right year to invite them to a Christmas Eve service. Most importantly, remember to pray and ask God for wisdom, to help you this season pass on the Good News of the Newborn King! 

Pray and ask for a chance to minister to your Muslim friends this season!

Lord Jesus, I am grateful for another year to celebrate your birth. Show me where I can best love my Muslim friends. The best gift I can give them is the gift of a relationship with you. Help me introduce them to the reason why I celebrate Christmas, and let me not be distracted by the earthly gifts and decorations. I dedicate this Christmas season to you. Amen.

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