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Read this before you share the Gospel with a Muslim

The best way to approach sharing the Gospel with a Muslim is with an authentic desire to share the love of Christ with them. Don’t feel pressure to convert them to Christianity as a religion, instead simply focus on telling them about your relationship with Jesus and who He is!

Don’t follow a “script”

Your relationship with Jesus does not fit into any pre-written script. It certainly can help to have an outline through the story of the Gospel, but the biggest thing that you can focus on is:

  • Who is Jesus?

  • How has Jesus’s sacrifice and forgiveness changed your life?

Sharing the person of Jesus

Your Muslim friend has an incorrect idea of who Jesus is. The Quran teaches that Jesus was just a created man, a prophet, and He is called Isa. We go into more detail about the differences between Jesus and Isa in our blog post, “Introducing your Muslim friend to the true Jesus.

Your Muslim friend respects the prophets of the Old Testament, and they claim that Jesus and Muhammad are the prophets that came after them. You can use this respect for prophethood and point out that Jesus fulfills every prophecy about the future Messiah in the Old Testament.

He couldn’t “just” be a prophet

You can ask your Muslim friend about the times that Jesus claimed He was the Son of God (John 5:18) and He said He was one with God (John 10:30-33). Now either Jesus was correct, or He was a liar, or He was a crazy person. This concept is usually attributed to C.S. Lewis, but is an idea and thought process that was around before C.S. Lewis eloquently put it as, “Lord, Liar, or Lunatic.”

Ultimately, what you want to share with your Muslim friend about Jesus is His love, forgiveness of our sins, and grace. His character was perfect. He loved everyone who came to Him, associated with the rich and poor, and most importantly He was the promised Messiah, the Savior and Redeemer.

Sharing how Jesus has changed you

Only you know how Jesus has changed your life, and sharing this with your Muslim friends can show them that a relationship with Jesus is more intimate than any religion. Telling them your testimony can offer your Muslim friend hope and peace as you introduce them to who Jesus truly is.

Remember, your job is to love your Muslim friend and to tell them the truth. Your job is not saving your Muslim friend, that is the Holy Spirit’s job!

Share scripture with them

If your Muslim friend is showing interest in the Gospel and the character of Jesus, offer to read the Bible together! We recommend starting with the book of Luke, because it is written as a story and tells Jesus’ life from the beginning. You can also share your favorite Bible story or verse. Always point your Muslim friend back to the scripture and Jesus, because ultimately their heart will change when they encounter His love for themselves.

Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to share the Good News with my Muslim friend. Please give me ears that can hear their concerns and questions, and the right words and wisdom to point them back to You and Your love. Open up their heart to receive the truth and be transformed by You. Amen.

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