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Prepare your family to share the gospel with your Muslim friends this school year

As our students’ backpacks are filling up with supplies for the school year, our schedules are filling up with commitments. Soccer games, band performances, and youth groups, to name a few. Making sure everyone has a fulfilling social life gets us exhausted just by thinking about it!

Despite life getting busier during this season, we shouldn’t allow certain things to fall out of our priorities. In fact, all of these new commitments give you and your family wonderful opportunities to meet new Muslim neighbors in your community and share the gospel with them! Remember, what you teach your children to practice now can become habits for the rest of their lives.

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.Proverbs 22:6

If your kids are in public schools, they will very likely have Muslims in their school that they can be intentional in witnessing to. You may even get to know their parents as well. There are many straightforward ways both you and your kids can be a light in the lives of your Muslim friends this school year. As you read through our ideas, pray and ask God to reveal which ones He is calling you to do.

How can my children witness to their Muslim friends this school year?

We recommend talking to your children openly and honestly about the ways your family’s beliefs differ from their Muslim friend’s beliefs. Prepare them for questions their friend might ask, and make sure they feel comfortable saying, “I don’t know, let me find out and get back to you” without feeling self-conscious.

Talk to your kids about being bold in their faith at school. Even small actions like praying before lunch or keeping a Bible verse wallpaper on their phone can open up conversations with their peers. When the time comes, encourage them to participate in the National Day of Prayer– you could even join them as a volunteer.

Make sure your children know they can invite their Muslim friends over after school. If you get the opportunity, invite the Muslim parents too so they can get to know you and feel comfortable with their child spending time with your family.

As a parent, how can I evangelize to our Muslim friends during the school year?

You know what you would appreciate as a gesture of kindness from another parent. Whatever it is, do it for the Muslim parent!

If you meet some Muslim parents at a school function, reach out and introduce yourself first. Depending on their background, they may feel very isolated and out of place and you starting the conversation can put them at ease.

You can offer to start a carpooling schedule so you may both have some mornings off. Invite the Muslim family over to your house for a meal so they know they have a friend. Pray over the meal in front of them with your children so they can see how you and your family live out your faith. You can offer to have their kids join your kids as you help them in their homework. Most Muslim parents are not familiar with the western education methods and they welcome the help once they know they can trust you.   

Pray as a family and ask the Lord to use you all to share the Good News this school year.  Being unified in this goal can lead to many beneficial conversations and ways your family can grow closer together.


Dear Lord, thank you for my family. Please give us opportunities to love our Muslims friends this year, and give us boldness to live out our faith in front of them. Let my children grow in their own faith as we strive to be Your light in our community. Amen.

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