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Practicing thankfulness in front of your Muslim friend during the holidays

By Call of Love Ministries On November 16, 2023

We can be a witness to our Muslim friends in any circumstance. But to do this, we need to be vocal about our relationship with Jesus in front of them!

One of the great opportunities we have to be a witness to Christ’s presence in our lives is the holidays at the end of every calendar year. This year, we encourage you to take the time and ask yourself the following questions.

How can I be an example of the power of the Gospel in front of my Muslim friend?

The first holiday opportunity we have is Thanksgiving, and that’s exactly what we can focus on as Christ-followers– practicing thankfulness in front of our Muslim friends.

What does the Bible say about giving thanks?

The Bible is filled with verses about giving thanks to God. We can’t list them all here, but here are three examples from the book of Psalms, the Old Testament, and the New Testament to show how important it is throughout the narrative of the Bible:

"I will praise God’s name in song and glorify Him with thanksgiving." Psalm 69:30

"Oh give thanks to the LORD; call upon His name; make known His deeds among the peoples!" 1 Chronicles 16:8

"Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you." 1 Thessalonians 5:18

What does practicing thankfulness actually look like?

When you are with your Muslim friend, you might feel like you should pray quieter before your meal or avoid talking about the way God is working in your life. Don’t become timid in front of your Muslim friend.

Be vocal about your experiences with God working for your good in your life. This can show your Muslim friend that God is not a taskmaster, but a loving Father who will take care of them.

If you have your Muslim friend over when your family is spending time together during the holiday season, tell your children that they don’t have to hide their faith. Before dinner, tell your Muslim friend that you like to pray as a family before every meal and ask if it’s ok to do so with them (they will say yes!). This will impact your friend for many reasons:

  1. Muslims value family as the most important after Allah and Muhammad. Seeing that you value your family as well will make them feel comfortable.

  2. Spouses can see how a loving, God-centered marriage works

  3. Children will notice that your kids are not afraid of God, but rather love talking to Him and thanking Him.

Take time to focus on being thankful to the Lord in your own heart, and this will pour over into your relationship with your Muslim friend. They can see the difference in how you act compared to their non-Christian friends. 


Thank you Lord for loving me unconditionally. Please give me many open doors this season to practice gratitude in front of my Muslim friend so they can be curious about my relationship with You! Amen.

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