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One fact that will make evangelism less intimidating for the rest of your life

By Call of Love Ministries On December 18, 2023

As the calendar year comes to an end it is natural for everyone to turn their eyes to the next year. People think of what this new year could be, what they want to accomplish, and how they want to transform their lives with New Year’s resolutions.

As Christ-followers, we need to remember that our life has already been transformed in the most significant way– through the blood of Jesus!

That is the ultimate transformation that people need in their lives– more than a new diet, new books to read, or a new approach to life. And as Christ-followers it is our responsibility to share this with them.

How can we make evangelism less intimidating?

In the Western church, there is an incorrect belief that if we try to share the gospel with someone, they will be so offended or angry that we will lose their friendship or be ridiculed. This is leaving out a very important fact about human nature that will shift our entire approach to evangelism.

Humans were built to have a relationship with God.

Your friend who does not know Christ is most probably searching for something that fills in that missing piece in their life– they just don’t realize that the answer is Jesus. 

Do not be ashamed of the gospel

Sharing the gospel with someone is not imposing your beliefs onto them or preaching to closed ears– it is pouring fresh water over a starving soul. This is why Paul says in Romans 1:16:

“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.”Paul was not hesitant in sharing the gospel because he understood what the Gospel is. He understood that every person he came into contact with was hungry in their soul to know Christ, they just didn’t realize it. He also knew it was a matter of eternal life and death, which made it more important than any hesitations.

There is no better time than now to begin having these important conversations with our friends. The world is in a constant state of unrest. People who do not have Christ in their lives will feel this emptiness more strongly in times of crisis.

Make your goal for the new year to be bold in sharing the gospel because you understand how much people need it. Our prayer is that the Church is freed from any hesitations and will be on fire to share the life-giving message of the gospel.

Prayer for boldness in sharing faith

Dear Lord, thank you for sending Christ to die in my place so I could have the relationship with you I was made to have. Please ignite a fire in me to share the gospel with those around me. Amen.

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