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New Year's Resolution: Praying for the Muslim World

Most of us have New Year resolutions – go to the gym, get organized, or start a new hobby. But how many of us have resolutions that are for the Kingdom of Heaven and not personal gain?

Sometimes we will set a goal to read the Bible in a year – and by all means, this is a great resolution for growing our personal relationship with God. Yet we often forget to set goals that have to do with the Kingdom of God and His missionary heart for the nations. Having a resolution to love those who do not look like us or live like us and to see them through the heart of God will create spiritual growth. We invite you to join us and pray for the Muslim world every day in 2022.

You will find below a free digital download to help you do that! Print it out and put it on your mirror or above your desk to remind yourself to devote even just 30 seconds a day to pray for the Muslim men, women, and children who live under the oppression of Islam. 

A Seven Day Schedule to Pray for Muslims

Pray for:

Sunday- Missionaries to gain access to closed countries to spread the Gospel.

Monday- Muslim women to come to know how loved and valued they are by Jesus.

Tuesday- Muslim children to stay safe and be reached by the Gospel so that they may grow up in the faith.

Wednesday- Muslim men to hear the Lord’s calling and fully embrace a new life of faith and to lead their families to Christ.

Thursday- Islamic extremists to have divine encounters & turn from their violence toward Jesus.

Friday- Muslims in western countries, to be open to friendships with Christians so we can love them better.

Saturday- Protection for Christians who live under persecution in Islamic countries.

Download this weekly schedule to remind you of what you can pray for everyday!

How praying changes you

Praying every day leads to a change of heart. When you keep Muslims on your mind through prayer it will soften your heart towards them. Our society easily shapes our thoughts and feelings towards Muslims often in a negative way. We need to have a heart filled with Agape love and compassion towards the Muslim world and pray that the Gospel message can reach them. 

Praying every day will also help you love your Muslim neighbors better! You will notice changes within yourself when you interact with them as you open up to letting the Holy Spirit work in you.

Let us remember this promise!  "For it is God who is at work in you, both to desire and to work for His good pleasure." Philippians 2:13 


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