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Mosques explained for Christians: What you need to know about their purpose and meaning

In the same way Christians value their churches as places of community and worship, Muslims value their mosques. However, a mosque is not the same thing as a church, so it is important for Christians to understand what a mosque is and what happens inside it.

The English word mosque evolved from the Arabic term “Masjid” which means “place of prostration.” Arabs also call the mosque “Al-Gameh” which means “the place where people gather.” 

What are mosques?

Mosques are places of worship for Muslims. It is part of the Islamic Da’awa (or mission) to build mosques all around the world to spread Islam’s influence. In Muslim communities, every street is supposed to have a mosque to encourage men to pray there every day. 

There are many physical features that distinguish a mosque from the buildings around it. The most obvious is the minaret, compared to church steeples; it is a tower from which the five daily prayer calls are broadcast. This tall structure also serves to announce Islam’s presence in a region.

Mosques also have courtyards to hold large crowds of people, and fountains for ritual cleansing. Most mosques are built so they can hold the whole male population surrounding them.

 Mosques usually have extremely ornate structure, with geometric designs on the walls, columns, and ceilings. They are often covered with calligraphy of the Quran in Arabic, with various important passages painted on the walls. There is never an image of a living thing in the Quran, because of Islam’s laws about art.

Muslims who build mosques with their own money are highly revered by their community. It is said that Allah favors them and will give them more rewards in paradise. But most mosques are built either by the Islamic government or Islamic non-profits approved by the government.

What happens at a mosque?

Mosques are the place where Muslims can complete their five daily prayers. They don’t have to do all of their prayers there, however it is mandatory for Muslim men to perform the Friday congregational prayer together at the mosque.

Mosques also host Muslims who come to hear sermons from their Imams, their religious leaders. This is called the Friday Khotba (sermon) that teaches them how to live. In addition to sermons, the mosque is the place where any kind of jihad is announced– wars, punishments for infidels, etc.

Both men and women are allowed in the mosques, but they pray in separate parts of the building. But women are not required to pray in the mosque.  In fact, Muslim women are encouraged to pray at home instead because of this hadith:

Muhammad said to a woman, “Your prayer in your room is better for you than your prayer in your courtyard and your prayer in your courtyard is better for you than your praying in your house, and your prayer in your house is better for you than your prayer in the mosque of your people, and your prayer in the mosque of your people is better for you than your prayer in my mosque.” (al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Targheeb wa’l-Tarheeb, 1/135)

In addition to religious gatherings, mosques serve as a sort of community center. They host charity events, funerals, and volunteer opportunities as ways for Muslims to fulfill their charity duties especially during Ramadan, such as providing meals for the poor. Devout Muslims (especially older men) try to spend long hours in the mosque after prayer, talking to Allah, discussing Islamic teachings together, and finding refuge from the outside world.  

How to talk to your Muslim friend about mosques

There are many ways that you can ask your Muslim friend about their experiences in their mosque. Asking about their time at the mosques praying or listening to sermons will give you insight to understand their experiences with their religion. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • What was your first time in a mosque like? What do you remember the most?

  • How often do you go to the mosque? What do you do there the most?

Talking about mosques can open up an opportunity to talk about your experiences at church as well. Tell your Muslim friend about the community you have in the body of Christ. You can share some things you’ve learned in sermons that have helped your faith.

Sometimes the conversation can be for both of you to share your experiences, but sometimes we are simply meant to listen to our Muslim friend’s experiences and get to understand their life more. Pray and ask the Lord to reveal how you can best love your Muslim friend.


Dear Lord, please give me insight into how I can best get to know my Muslim friend and grow closer to them. Let me be a light into their life to share the gospel and your love with them. Amen.

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