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Jesus appeared in a dream: True stories and interpreting what this means for you

The Lord has been using visions and dreams to communicate with humans since the beginning of creation. In the Bible, we see people who were specifically gifted with interpreting dreams, like Joseph.

"And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions." Joel 2:28

But what happens if you see Jesus in a dream today? Do you have the right person to ask so you would understand your dream? Odds are, if you aren’t a follower of Christ this dream or vision is really shocking and you don’t know what to make of it. You might even go on the internet and search:

“I saw Jesus in a dream. What does it mean?”

When you Google this, the internet provides you with many different answers. There are many non-Christian sources which explain this experience as a simple sign of being spiritually inclined, or a sign that you’re going through a stressful time, or a connection to a nondescript divine wisdom.

None of these answers are correct. The truth is, Jesus has appeared to people in dreams and visions for centuries. We have real-life stories of people who had dreams about Jesus appearing to them, and we also have some advice and insight for you if you’ve had a dream similar to this!

First, we want to acknowledge how wonderful it is that we have a God who loves us so much that He pursues us through dreams and visions! He is not an impersonal ruler who doesn’t care to know us, but rather Jesus reveals Himself to us in unique ways so we can pay attention and choose to have a relationship with Him.

Still do not think that if you have not seen Jesus in a dream or a vision you are less important than those who have! God reveals Himself to us in many other unique ways, because He has unique relationships with each one of us. Our Lord loves us so much that He interacts with us on an individual level, so our relationship is not identical to others’.

Aamir, a Moroccan Muslim who saw Christ in a dream

Aamir was a devoted Muslim who lived with his parents. In Morocco, there are intense social repercussions if a Muslim even questions Islam, much less converts to Christianity.But one night, Jesus came to him in a dream, touched his head and said, “Do not fear, my son.” Aamir woke up, amazed and confused by what he had seen.When Aamir told his family and friends what he had seen nobody believed him. He told his father he wanted to be a Christ-follower, but his father forbade it. Aamir knew he might be persecuted by his family if he pursued further, but he reached out to our satellite television channel anyway.We talked with Aamir for several days, telling him about Christ and reading the Bible alongside him. After learning more about who Christ is, Aamir accepted Jesus as Lord and Savior! Now he is growing strong in his relationship with God and prays that one day he can share it with his family.

Rahim, whose mother’s cancer led him to find peace in Christ

When Rahim was only fifteen years old, his mother received a cancer diagnosis. Being a devout Muslim, Rahim called on Allah to heal his mom, but he did not hear an answer.

After several months of praying, Rahim met a Christian woman who told him the only person who could heal his mother was Jesus. She explained that Jesus was so much more than the prophet the Quran talks about, but rather He is the living God. Rahim, at a loss for what else to do, found a place to hide and cried out, “Jesus, if you are really alive, I want to know you.”

That night, Rahim had his first dream about Jesus. In the dream, all of the prophets stood together, but Jesus was in the center with a bright light shining down. Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” When Rahim woke up, he didn’t know what that meant and spent all day unable to think about anything else.

The next night, Jesus came to Rahim again. This time Rahim was in a forest with bright blue skies and a clear running river. He shouted out, “Tell me who you are! What do you want from me?” And a strong voice replied, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. I am Christ, and now you know, my son.”

Rahim woke up with joy and a sense of peace he had never experienced before. He sought out his Christian friend, who introduced him to our online church and showed him how to pray and accept Christ into his heart!

Rahim continues to grow significantly in his faith, and his mother is healing from the cancer. He is now a member of our online church and he receives discipleship weekly!

Abasi had over ten different dreams about Christ

Abasi is an Egyptian father with four children. He is married to a very devout Muslim woman. He first started reading the Bible when a Christian coworker brought one to him at work.

Because of his close friendship with his Christian coworker, Abasi tried to watch several different Christian channels, but his wife discovered them and removed them from their satellite frequency list. His coworker brought him to his house so Abasi could continue watching and learning about the gospel, and this was when he found our satellite channel.

Abasi has had over ten different visions and dreams about Jesus. After his most recent dream, he called the contact center of our satellite television channel and asked for their help to understand what was happening to him. 

In the dream, Abasi was standing in the desert. Jesus was standing in front of him, raising His hand to the sky and calling down rain. Then Jesus placed his hand on Abasi’s shoulder and said, “Do not be afraid.”

Abasi told us, “The prophets of Islam are pure and flawless. In Islam, we also believe that Christ is a prophet, but Christians say that Christ is God. I saw Jesus in my dream sending down rain but God is the only one who is able to send rain, so I am in great confusion of how Christ can perform God’s works. How is he a prophet but has the attributes of God?”

Our team was able to explain Abasi’s dream and show him that Christ was calling Him to be in a relationship. We explained how Christ is the Son of God who died for us and rose from the dead. Abasi was convinced of the gospel, and he accepted Christ with us!

Advice if you have seen Jesus appear in a dream or vision

It can be strange to have such an intense spiritual experience that you weren’t expecting. Or perhaps you prayed to Christ out of desperation, and you’re shocked he actually answered.

First things first, take a breath.

If you encounter Jesus in a dream or a vision, journal your experience in as much detail as you can remember, then ask yourself these questions:

  1. In what condition was I before this dream? Was I anxious, upset, searching for something?

  2. What did the dream include? What did Jesus say or do that has really stuck with me?

  3. How did I feel or respond when I saw Jesus or heard Him speak?

  4. If Jesus said something, what was it? If I search for it in the Bible, was He quoting scripture?

  5. How did I feel waking up from this dream? What should I do next? ?

Outlining these answers will help you reflect and remember, especially once the initial emotional response fades. In the following years, it is good to still  be able to look back and know exactly what you felt at that time.

If you are a Christian who had a dream about Christ, then we suggest seeking counsel on what it means with a mature, biblical believer in your life. Or perhaps it is simply a moment of encouragement from the Lord who wanted to share an intimate moment with you.

If you aren’t a Christian, we believe Jesus appears to nonbelievers in dreams to call them to Himself! He wants to have a loving relationship with you, so much so that He died on the cross for you. Now is the time for you to accept His invitation. You can pray right now to accept Him into your heart, or find a local pastor, or a Christian friend or family member to pray with you.

Here are some resources to look at who Jesus is– after all, it’s important to know who you saw in your dream. The Bible is your best resource on this, and here are core verses about the identity of Christ in this article.

Prayer after seeing Jesus in a dream or vision

Dear Jesus, thank you for revealing Yourself to me. I am overcome with many emotions right now, but I will rest in what You showed me and told me. I want you to be the King of my life. Amen.

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