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Is it a good idea to invite my Muslim friend to Bible Study?

By Call of Love Ministries On October 16, 2023

Part of having a relationship with anyone in your life is caring about them in all aspects of their lives– this includes their spiritual well-being. You can be praying for your Muslim friend and trying to talk to them about faith. Some may respond, others may be disinterested, but you can do your part and allow the Lord to work in their hearts. 

If your Muslim friend is searching for the truth, there are certain steps in their journey where you will be able to support them. They will probably start asking you about your own personal faith in Jesus– so answer honestly! Then they’ll ask about the Bible and explanations of your beliefs. This is a great opportunity for you to engage in reading the Bible together.

We also have a guide to introduce your Muslim friend to the Bible and how to walk them through reading it for themselves here: How to teach your Muslim friend to study the Bible

No matter where your Muslim friend is in their spiritual journey,  do not hesitate to invite them to study the Word of God with you. But when they get closer to taking big steps towards a relationship with Jesus, it may be time to invite them to be part of your Bible study group!

How do I know if it is the right time to invite my Muslim friend to my Bible Study group?

There are a few signs that can show you it is a good time to bring your Muslim friend into the fellowship of your church group or Bible study group. We recommend praying over these questions:

  1. First, is your Muslim friend actively seeking out the truth? More than just questioning their faith, are they actually open to finding the truth in something else?

  2. Next, has your friend begun listening to what the Bible says? When you read it with them one-on-one, are they arguing about the validity of the book or are they open to learning from it?

  3. Has your Muslim friend started realizing that Islam is not leading them to know the true God, and they are disappointed in the religion they’ve been raised in?  

Finally, the best way to know if it is the right time to invite your friend is to pray and ask the Holy Spirit for guidance. The Lord knows your friend’s heart better than anyone else and will urge you to invite them if it is the right time!

How can I invite my Muslim friend to my Bible study?

Before you invite your Muslim friend to join your Bible study, talk to your group members and make sure everyone is comfortable with having them join. Everyone needs to be willing to have someone who is not a believer asking deep questions and possibly pushing back a little. Make sure to give your group a background about your Muslim friend’s life, spiritual interests, and struggles so they would be ready. 

You may find it best to actually start a second Bible study with your Muslim friend and other believers who are able to invest the time, prayer, and support your Muslim friend needs during this critical time in their journey. This way you and your fellow believers still have dedicated time to focus on growing together in the Body Christ. Or, if your Church has a class for new believers or those interested in Jesus, you could attend it with your Muslim friend.

To extend the invitation to your Muslim friend, bring it up as an opportunity to learn more and hear more people’s experiences with the Bible and Jesus Christ. Tell them there’s no expectations for commitment, but that you would love for them to come for one night to give it a try.

Explain what takes place during the meeting so they feel comfortable because there are many misconceptions your Muslim friend may have about what we do during our gatherings. Preparing them will put them more at ease and able to focus on the content.

Do not have high expectations or pressure them to become a regular attendee. They may come every few months, or they may surprise you and be at every meeting. Our Lord will draw them closer to Himself in a unique way. Your invitation is a tool He can use to open up your Muslim friend’s eyes to the truth!

But if from there you seek the Lord your God, you will find him if you seek him with all your heart and with all your soul.” Deuteronomy 4:29

What to do and avoid during Bible Study

  • Keep studying the Bible and interacting with your brothers and sisters in Christ the same way. Have deep conversations about the text and your life with your Christian brethren so your Muslim friend sees what Christian fellowship is like.

  • Be careful to explain biblical words that are not used commonly or mean something different, such as redemption, regeneration, grace, eternal hope, and everlasting life. 

  • Are you reading a book of the Bible that will help their spiritual journey? We suggest reading one of the Gospels with them so they can learn about Christ, instead of doing a deep dive into 1 and 2 Kings and Israel’s complicated history. They can study the rest of the Bible once they have the foundation of a relationship with Christ!

  • Try to focus on topics and questions that have to do with salvation, redemption, and the character of God. This way your friend can really get a lot of information on what will draw them to Christ without being distracted by non-salvation issues. But also, if you are studying the book of Genesis, the life of Abraham, or one of the prophets, this may help your Muslim friend learn new things that the Quran does not tell them. 

Overall, don’t change how you act in front of your Muslim friend in your Bible study, but do be mindful of where they are in their spiritual walk. Pray and ask God’s presence to be felt and for Him to be the focus of it all.


Dear Lord, thank you for opening my Muslim friend’s heart up with questions about the truth. I pray that my Christian friends can be an added light in their life, and that joining our Bible study will lead our Muslim friend to a new relationship with you. Amen.

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