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Interview with a former Muslim, now a Pastor of an online Arabic church

Hesham is one of the pastors for an online Arabic church that consists of Muslim background believers that we partner with. He grew up as a Muslim himself, learning how to follow its rules and rituals to please Allah, but his life lacked joy and purpose. After accepting Christ as his Savior at age 27, Hesham became an evangelist seeking to share the Lord with every Muslim he came in contact with.

Sadly, Hesham’s heart for sharing the gospel got him in a lot of trouble with the Islamic authorities in his country, but this did not stop him. Eventually, Hesham’s wife and two children were in danger too, so they had to seek asylum in Canada. Now Hesham is the care and discipleship pastor for an online church of Arab Christians who have the same background as him, and he is honored to personally connect with every one of them. The church has grown from 15 new believers to over 500 (including entire families) in March 2023. We sat with Hesham to learn how God is working through this online church.

How is your relationship with your own family? Did they accept you as a follower of Christ?

My family rejected me completely when they learned that I became a follower of Jesus. Most of them are conservative Muslims who strongly believe that all the world should follow Allah. I had the opportunity to share my testimony with them on a few occasions throughout the past 20 years. I continue to pray that their hearts will soften to God's voice and calling and they will eventually know the Savior. 

Can you share a favorite significant moment from your relationship with God?

Coming from an Islamic background, I have many preexisting beliefs about who I am to God. The Lord has to remind me that I am His son and not His slave. Oftentimes, during my quiet time, I feel His reassurance that I am His son, and I am reminded that He does not judge me based on my performance. These moments are wonderful reminders of His love for me. 

What is one of the biggest ways you have seen your life change since knowing Christ?

After coming to know God as my heavenly Father, my heart has been on a new path. My primary desire continues to be  serving my brothers and sisters who were formerly Muslims. I was a very selfish and sinful person before I met Jesus, and He has taught me how to live a life of love and sacrificial giving.God’s presence in my life changed me to have a servant’s heart towards others. God speaks to me in my prayer time by giving me strength and filling me with His Spirit so that I can continue to serve in this church and among Muslims.

What do you wish every Christian knew about Muslims and Islam?

I am convinced that every Christian needs to understand the truth about the religion of Islam and at the same time realize that  most Muslims are exposed to so much injustice and suffering because of this religion. Islam is a tool that the enemy uses to trap them in an ideology of rules and oppression.

Once Christians understand what it is like for a Muslim to live under this system, it becomes easier for us to have compassion towards them and try to share Christ whenever we can.

What is the biggest thing the church needs to pray for when it comes to new believers who have left Islam?

In my experience of pastoring new believers who have left Islam, I have learned that the Church needs to pray for these believers to remain steadfast in their new faith. Their conversion often means they have lost everything, their family, friends, and everything familiar they knew and practiced. We must pray that God gives them a new family and community to support them. Often, they are not physically safe either, so we must pray for God’s protection and for them to persevere during  persecution. Most importantly pray that God will use them to be Jesus’ light for their family and in their community.

What have you learned from shepherding a church that is mostly isolated believers?

I have learned the importance of listening to someone’s story. I’ve learned how to be a spiritual father and brother to everyone who joins, because they’ve lost their family. I get the opportunity to come alongside them in their suffering, to feel their pain with them, and to try to alleviate their suffering in any way that God provides.

How do you see this online Arabic church impacting the Islamic world?

As a team, our mission is to help the new converts receive biblical discipleship and empower them to become key witnesses in their communities. This will soon start a movement of house churches in every town and city in the Arab world.

Testimonies Of Former Muslims.

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