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If your Muslim neighbor does not speak English, can you still share the Gospel with them?

So you have a Muslim colleague  or neighbor who does not speak English as their first language. They may barely be able to express themselves in simple short English phrases. What can you do to connect with them when you’re not able to easily communicate in your first languages with each other?

It’s important to recognize that your Muslim friend could have a variety of reasons for not being fluent in English– they could be a transfer student from another country, a son or daughter of a new  immigrant family from another country, or a refugee who was never given the opportunity to learn English back home. 

Tips for forming a friendship

Here are a few ways that you can begin to become friends with someone who might not speak the same language as you!

1. Embrace the discomfort

If you do not have much experience with someone who does not speak English, then take a deep breath and take some pressure off of yourself and your new friend. There might be times you misunderstand each other and that’s okay! Laugh it off and continue on.

2. Find ways to communicate

Maybe talking in person is not the best way to engage with them right away! When appropriate, you can reach out to them over social media, text, or email and tell them you’d love to get to know them if they’re willing to use online translators! When visiting, you can use pictures to tell them more about yourself, your family, where you grew up and look at a map together to find where they were born. 

3. Help your friend learn English

If you know that your friend would like to speak English but they don’t have the resources, become that resource for them! Set aside time to help teach them English, or connect them with a local church program that has English classes.

4. Meet them halfway

Do not put the pressure to learn a new language entirely on your new friend! If you put in some time to learn their language so that you can hold a basic conversation in person, this will touch them deeply. There are also apps that can translate what your friend says into English and can also translate your words into their language.  Many use it when in foreign countries but why not use the same service to communicate with your neighbor? There will be awkward or funny moments during the translation, but these moments can be wonderful bonding times. Your effort will reveal to your friend how much you care for them and how much you want to know them.  

5. Find encouragement for them in their language

You can still share the Gospel with someone even if it is not you doing the talking! Research to find sermons or encouragement from the Bible in their language that you can send to them. The Jesus film is available in almost all the languages and it is a good way for you both to watch the movie.  

Beloved, let us love one another, for love is from God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God.” 1 John 4:7


Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to start a new friendship. Please give me the wisdom to find the best way to engage with my new friend. Provide creative ways to cross our language barriers and talk about Your love! Amen.

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