We are so excited to introduce you to Jim, a volunteer staff and member of Call of Love’s Board of Directors! Jim is a wonderful example of living out the Great Commission every day. His passion for God and His Word is inspiring to our team.
Since Jim is one of the few team members who does not have a direct background with Muslims or Islam, we believe it important for you to read his perspectives on our ministry! Many Christians in America do not reach out to their Muslim neighbors because they think that there is someone more suited for the job. Jim is living proof that the Great Commission is every Christian’s responsibility, and all the Lord requires to use us is a willing heart.
What do you do as a volunteer at COL?
I help schedule our daily programming for our satellite TV station, and support our IT team with their projects. I am also on the Board of Directors, which gives me the opportunity to help with several administrative tasks.
From your perspective, what makes this ministry unique?
The Arabic-speaking Muslim world of 450 million people is a forgotten mission field that most Christians ignore. Call of Love is a very unique ministry because it boldly seeks to draw this forgotten people group to Christ through the power of innovative technology. This is the first time in history that ministries have been able to reach such a large number of people remotely, and I am blessed to be a part of it.

Do you have a favorite story of someone coming to know Christ from your time here at Call of Love?
One story immediately comes to mind of an Islamic leader who came to know Christ through our ministry. He was an Imam in Yemen, a man in charge of leading his people spiritually. He found our ministry online after discovering our YouTube videos. He then messaged us, asking to know more about Jesus, whom he only knew as a prophet, and we were able to securely send him chapters of the Gospel through texting.
He studied each chapter very closely, asking questions about Jesus’ divinity and character. After a few weeks, he accepted Christ with us over the phone and he immediately began sharing the Gospel with his village and brought 65 families to know Christ as Lord! It was amazing to see the fruits of one man’s faith in such an isolated village that no missionary had ever reached before.
How have you seen God work through our partners at Call of Love?
One of the biggest ways I have seen the Lord work through our partners is in local churches. Several churches have learned about our ministry, how we serve Muslims around the world, and then become financial and prayer partners alongside us to help us reach these Muslims with the Gospel!
I personally have seen pastors grow in their passion for Christ’s Great Commission from Matthew 28 as they have partnered with us. It is a great honor to be a part of this mission.

What do you wish more Christians knew about after your experience with Call of Love?
I believe Christians need to adjust their perspectives on technology, especially when it comes to using technology to share the Gospel! Too often, we focus on the negative outcomes of technology, social media, and the internet. But without social media and advanced technologies, our ministry wouldn’t be able to broadcast the Gospel to millions of people who have previously never heard of Jesus Christ!
What would you tell your fellow Christians who are thinking of witnessing to their Muslim friend?
First, I would encourage them to learn about Islam and the Quran. As you study, try to prepare yourself for the primary issues that Muslims have with Christianity and understand how you would respond to these questions.
Then, I would simply ask questions regarding their life, faith and their knowledge of Christ (which may be distorted from stories in the Quran). When listening to their responses, try to find some points to agree with in order to establish a sincere connection with them.
As you express an honest interest in their worldview, it should naturally lead them to ask about your faith and beliefs and this will provide an opportunity to share the true Gospel with them.
It is not likely that they will quickly agree with you, however, try to maintain a genuine friendship with them regardless. Seek to get to know them deeply over time, love them as Christ loves them and pray for future opportunities to share more of your faith. Your witness as a true friend will likely have as much of an impact on them as your words.
Which area in the ministry do you think needs the most help financially right now?
Call of Love needs financial resources to build our video production studio in our new building. A secure studio will allow us to produce more programs to broadcast to Muslims every day, and with the updated technologies that we are using, we can target the younger generation of Muslims even more!
As a mature believer and member of the body of Christ, Jim’s wisdom and insight are such wonderful gifts for other believers! We hope that some of Jim’s passion for sharing the Gospel can ignite your own spirit with zeal to invest in your Muslim friends in your life.
“For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘But the righteous man shall live by faith.’” Romans 1:16-17