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How to welcome your Muslim friend into your home and be a good host

You have invited your Muslim friend over to your home, and you’re excited! This might be the first time you’ve invited a Muslim into your home, and because of their religious beliefs, you need to plan some things in advance. But also, you may need to prepare yourself for what you can’t plan, like a disagreement among your children in front of your guest.

The Bible has lots to say about hospitality, verses about showing hospitality to outsiders who might be angels (Hebrews 13:2) and verses about how we should invite those who are not native to our country into our homes (Leviticus 19:34). Even verses about how the church should act with one another can be used as a guide for how we can treat our Muslim guests:

Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor; not lagging behind in diligence, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord; rejoicing in hope, persevering in tribulation, devoted to prayer, contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.Romans 12:10-13

Inviting someone into your home is an intimate way to share your life with them. Pray ahead of time as you prepare and ground yourself in God’s Word ahead of time so that you are ready for whatever may happen during your time together.

How to plan before your Muslim friend comes over

You can ask your Muslim friend a few specific questions to make sure they feel as welcome as possible:

  • Religious diet: In Islam, there are rules and restrictions on what a Muslim can and cannot eat; this is called halal (approved by Allah) and haram (prohibited by Allah). If you are planning on serving food, it is easiest to ask your Muslim friend what their favorite dishes are so that you can make something you know is safe for them to eat. To learn more specifics about halal and haram rules, read here.

  • Allergies: Whether it be food, plant, or pet allergies, you need to make sure your home is safe for your Muslim friend to come in! 

  • Animals: Most Muslims do not like to have dogs, cats, or other pets in the same room with them. Some animals are considered unclean and they should not touch them. Ask them ahead of time and assure them that your pet will be kept out of sight. 

  • Activities: What are you doing when your Muslim friend comes over? If you tell your guest ahead of time how you’ll spend the time together, you will put their mind at ease. You have lots of options– catching up on the porch, watching a movie or show together (make sure it’s not inappropriate or crude), playing a game, or arranging a playdate with your kids! It never hurts to have a backup plan in case your friend decides to stay longer than planned. If they do stay longer, it means they have started to consider you a trusted friend.

The situations you can’t plan for

It is so exciting that your Muslim friend is coming over! You’ve made a delicious meal that you know is safe for them to enjoy, and you’re sitting down to eat it with them. Suddenly, you hear yelling from your kids’ rooms and your youngest runs in crying.

What can you do to alleviate the awkwardness of this situation?

Don’t do anything differently because your Muslim friend is there! This is a great opportunity to show them how a Christ-centered family handles conflict. You don’t know what kind of conflict resolution they grew up with, so this could be their first time seeing a parent handle an argument between their children with calmness and love instead of anger or dismissal.

In the same way, do the rest of your family habits the same way you normally do, like praying before eating or asking how your spouse’s day was. Let your family be a testament for the love of Christ.


Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the opportunity to invite my Muslim friend into my home. Please let your presence touch their heart, and let them feel the difference of a Spirit-filled home once they enter. Help me host them in a loving way and make them feel comfortable. Amen.

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