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How can Christians connect with their Muslim friend on July 4th?

Summer is a wonderful time to invite your Muslim friend to join in your fun family activities. We have a great opportunity coming up to do this– Independence Day on July 4th!

Inviting your Muslim friend into your personal circle for a holiday affirms to them that you care and you want to grow closer to them! Sometimes our relationships can get focused more on serious spiritual conversations, which are truly beneficial but can be taxing. Dedicating time to have fun with your Muslim friend brings a fresh dynamic to your relationship!

How can you include your Muslim friend in your Fourth of July plans?

Everyone’s plans for Independence Day are different– some like to throw a large party for everyone and anyone, while others try to protect their time with their family and close friends. We aren’t suggesting that you completely change your plans for your Muslim friend, just invite them to join you!

If you’re hosting a large barbecue, you need to make sure there is food that your Muslim friend can eat. Islam has specific dietary restrictions, which you can read about here. Ask your Muslim friend if they have a favorite summertime dish, and if they offer to bring something, accept heartily. .

If you’re planning on enjoying time by the pool or lake, think about what you and your family are wearing. Islam has strict guidelines about modesty, and your Muslim friend might be very conservative, depending on how long they have lived in the United States. For example, most Muslim women will not wear two piece swimsuits or a swimsuit at all! If you are a Christian woman, ask your Muslim friend if they are planning to swim or not, and sit out with them if they will not be swimming. Wear a light summer long dress as an extra consideration, especially if the Muslim husband is joining.

If you are out of town for the Fourth of July, you can still try to create time for your Muslim friend when you get back from vacation. It’s possible they themselves went to see family on a quick trip, so get together with them and ask how their trip was. If you know they are traveling, mention that you will be praying for a safe trip for them.

Finally, this holiday is a good opportunity to express your gratitude to God in front of your Muslim friend. You can talk about how grateful you are for freedom, and even mention how God gives you a special kind of freedom!

Ask God to give you an idea for the best way to connect with your Muslim friend this July! Our list is not an exhaustive list of all your options, but they can hopefully spark an idea and passion to invest in your Muslim friend!


Dear Lord, thank you for the opportunity to live in a free country where I can freely worship You and witness about You. Guide my encounters with my Muslim friend so I can be a light of the gospel in their life! Amen.

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