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Halal and Haram: What kind of sweet treats can my Muslim friend eat?

By Call of Love Ministries On October 23, 2023

A chill is in the air, and that means that fall is here! Fall brings so many fun things with it– apple picking, pumpkin decorating, and sweet treats.

One of the well-known days in the fall is Halloween, but this day should not be used to connect with your Muslim friend. Instead, find a fall harvest celebration at your church that you could invite them to instead! Including your Muslim friend in church events is a great way to connect with their entire family.

If your Muslim friend agrees to join you for the fun event, then there’s something you need to know: what types of candy your Muslim friend can and cannot eat. You may be surprised by how the Muslim diet impacts what candy they can enjoy!

What is the Muslim diet?

The diet in Islam is broken into two different categories: halal, foods and drinks Muslims are permitted to consume and haram, things they are prohibited to eat. Halal and haram rules impact a Muslim’s life in more areas  than just food, but this post is focusing on the dietary restrictions.

It is most important for us to know what is haram for your Muslim friend, so  we don’t accidentally offer them a treat they cannot have. The things to look out for are:

  • Gelatin, found in Marshmallows and other sweet treats (this is a pork product, and pork is not allowed)

  • Alcohol

  • Shellfish

Inviting your Muslim friend to your church’s fall celebration

You probably won’t have to worry about alcohol or shellfish being snuck into your church’s Harvest party, but gelatin is a common ingredient in a lot of today’s candies. Essentially, avoid gummy candies, marshmallows, and candy corn.

To be safe, focus on bringing treats that you know are safe for your friend and their family to enjoy. Here are some treats you can have on hand to make sure your friend’s kids get candy too:

  • Chocolate

  • Lollipops

  • Toffee

  • A homemade dessert

While you have your friend at the event with you, focus on trying to make a connection! If your kids are off running around, ask the parent some questions to get to know them better. Ask how you can be praying for them and their family. If they seem to enjoy the event, invite them to church with you the next weekend!

If they express their dislike of the Halloween season, the evil and scary costumes, affirm them that you also disapprove of such practices and confirm that Halloween is not a Christian celebration, as they may relate it to the “American, Christian” practices. After this event, if they expressed that they enjoyed it, invite them to other upcoming events! Getting your friend to church events is a great way to start spiritual conversations. 

Don’t let your fear of doing something wrong or messing up with your words hold you back from inviting your Muslim friend! Commit the night into God’s hands, and you may be surprised by how He can use you.


Dear Lord, thank you for giving me a relationship with my Muslim friend. Please lead them to accept my invitation to attend my church’s celebration together so our families can grow closer. Amen.

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