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Football season is back! Here's how to host your Muslim friend to watch a football game

By Call of Love Ministries On September 21, 2023

Muslims tend to be very isolated and private when it comes to their social circles. This is especially true with first generation Muslim immigrants. They usually live in close-knit communities with one another to preserve their religious culture.

Not all Muslims in your city and neighborhood are immigrants, but for those who are, they can have a hard time trying new things or enjoying something that is outside of their culture. This does not mean that they are not interested in it, only that it is new and maybe a bit uncomfortable for them.

Your Muslim friend may be interested in trying more American activities, but they are hesitant because they don’t know where to start. For your Muslim immigrant friends, they will always consider you their “host” and will expect you to reach out to them instead of them reaching out to you. As a perceived host of your Muslim friend, you can be the one to help them come out of their shell and try new things!

As the Fall season is beginning, one of the most American pastimes is watching a football game with our friends and family! Here’s how you can invite your Muslim friend to join in and make sure it’s the best experience possible for them.

How to invite your Muslim friend over

Do not assume that your Muslim friend is interested in American football or sports at all. That doesn’t mean they won’t be interested in quality time with you and your family. Make an open invitation without any pressure on them to come. You can say something along these lines:

I am hosting a football party on Sunday, and we’d love to have you join us! It will be my family and some of our friends. We’ll have the game on, but also have some yard games if you’re not a huge fan of football.”

This invitation is a great opening to tell them who will be there, and make them more interested in coming if they aren’t a football fan. It helps if you pick a game that is not during one of the five daily prayer times for your Muslim friend, or else they might feel less comfortable joining.

If your Muslim friend says yes, then the next step is to make sure they know they will be well-taken care of. Ask them what their favorite snack is so you can have halal-friendly food ready for them. Find out if they have knowledge about American football; if they don’t, tell them you can teach them about the game if they’d like.

How to properly host your Muslim friend for a football game

Keep your party limited to your Christian friends and family who you know will be good at including your Muslim friend. Tell them ahead of time that your friend will be joining you so you all can be praying.

As we noted in the section above, make sure you have halal-friendly snacks for your Muslim friend. Halal is a religious diet that Muslims follow. To learn more about halal, read this blog post.

When your Muslim friend shows up, introduce them to everyone! Stay by their side for the beginning of the party– don’t leave them to do something else unless you know they are comfortable and enjoying themselves. You can show them where the snacks and games are, and save them a seat next to you!

During ad breaks, lower the TV volume and make it about fellowship. If an inappropriate ad is playing, comment on how the cultural values get worse when people stray away from God. Make sure your friend knows that because you are a true follower of Christ you reject this kind of media. 


At the end of the day, focus on loving your Muslim friend. Talk to them and engage with them instead of being entirely distracted by the football game. You never know, they may love it and then you’ll have a new activity to do together!

Truly I say to you, to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me.” Matthew 25:40

It may seem like a simple invitation to a football game, but it can mean so much more. It means your Muslim friend is welcomed by you and your friends. They may be struggling to find a place in this new country, and you can give them that!


Dear Lord, please bless my relationship with my Muslim friend. Open my eyes to see the best way to love them like you love them! Amen.

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