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Fall-friendly evangelism opportunities

By Call of Love Ministries On October 06, 2022

As the weather gets colder and the days are shorter, the ways you can hang out with your Muslim friends are going to change! Depending on where you live, this fall weather will probably limit your ability to spend time outside, like going on walks or having a picnic in the park…but there are other ways to hang out, even when it is chilly outside.

Holidays are approaching

Halloween: We’ll be having a more in-depth blog post come out about this soon, but for now just know that your Muslim friend may or may not not feel comfortable doing any Halloween activities with you, just like some of your Christian friends! Your best bet for planning for the end of October is asking your friend what they normally do for Halloween or Harvest and go from there.

Thanksgiving: Your Muslim friend does not necessarily celebrate Thanksgiving unless they grew up in American culture. You can invite them to enjoy the day with you but you need to make sure you have halal food for them to enjoy. While you spend time with them, focus on being grateful to God in front of them (like praying together or talking about what you’re grateful for), as opposed to having a general sense of gratitude or keeping the conversation vague.

How to connect with your Muslim friend and their family

  1. Fall harvest celebration at your church - If your church holds an event like a harvest celebration or possibly even a Trunk-or-Treat, invite your Muslim friend and their family to come with you.

  2. Pumpkin patch or apple picking - If winter is usually a time to stay inside where you live, take advantage of these last few warmish months to enjoy God’s creation with your Muslim friends! If you both have children, this is a great way to introduce your families and enjoy nature. (P.S., read this blog post if your kids have Muslim friends)

  3. Invite them to Church - Is this fall the time for you to invite your Muslim friend to your church? Pray and see if this is something that the Lord has placed on your heart. If they accept, make sure they know there is no obligation to participate, they only need to observe.

  4. Send them a gift that fits the season - You can give your Muslim friend a halal dish featuring yummy fall flavors (not sure what “halal” means? Check out this blog post) or a fun plant or carved pumpkin. Sending a gift shows that you are thinking of them.

  5. Invite them into your home - Hospitality is something that most Muslims pride themselves in, so when you are hospitable and welcoming to them, it’s like you are speaking their love language! And, you guessed it, make sure you have halal food or a halal fall dessert!

  6. Caution, it is flu season! If you or a family member are sick, let your Muslim friend know so that they can decide if they are comfortable with coming into your home or spending time with you.

Be wise in your friendship

The best thing you can do in your relationship with your Muslim friend is pray. As you navigate your friendship, pray and listen to the Holy Spirit’s guidance on how to best love your Muslim friend and spend time with them. Prayer and preparation is an important step before you share the Gospel with your Muslim friend. It is also vital that you spend just as much time (if not more) with your Christian friends who can pour into you and watch out for your emotional boundaries in your relationship with your Muslim friend.

But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own initiative, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take of Mine and will disclose it to you.John 16:13-14

Praying for this fall

Lord, show me how to be a good friend this fall! Open doors for me to share the Gospel with my Muslim friend and their family. Give us time to connect in a way that honors you and help me to discern how to best love them. Thank you for each new day you give me. Amen.

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