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Don't be the only witness to your Muslim friend! How to connect them with your Christian circle

We know how important community is within the body of Christ. But did you ever think that your Muslim friend might need to experience the love of this community as well?

If your Muslim friend is in need of social support, why not introduce them to a group who are called to be unconditionally loving and loyal to one another? Here’s a fact: You don’t have to be the only person who is an example of Christ’s love in your Muslim friend’s life!

A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.John 13:34-35

How can you introduce your Muslim friend to your Christian friends?

There are certain dynamics that you need to take into consideration when you’re trying to initiate a relationship between your Muslim friend and your fellow believers.

Your Muslim friend might be suspicious that you are doing this to try to pull them away from their Islamic community. It’s possible that they’ve been told all their life that Christians are infidels and less in value than Muslims.

Obviously, you have gained your Muslim friend’s trust. But that doesn’t mean they will immediately trust your friends. So when you are introducing them, you need to do a few things to ensure it goes smoothly:

  1. You don’t have to do it in a religious setting right away. Unless you know for a fact that your Muslim friend is interested in experiencing a Bible Study or a church service, meet up with your friends in a “neutral space.” This can include a coffee shop, a picnic area, a shopping center, or a walking path. Such surroundings help your Muslim friend feel at ease.

  2. Share with your Christian friends your desire to have your Muslim friend meet them. Prepare them with basic details about your Muslim friend, but never share private information your Muslim friend entrusted you with. In time, their own relationship might grow and your Christian friend can learn about your Muslim friend on a deeper level on their own.

  3. Pray with your Christian friends before you all meet. Inviting God into your time is always a good idea, especially when you are getting an opportunity to be a living example of Christ’s love with a fellow believer.

  4. As you visit together, ask questions that show interest in your Muslim friend, but don’t overwhelm them! An easy way to get a friend at ease is to get them to talk about something they know a lot about– themselves! Ask your Muslim friend questions, and include your Christian friend in the dialogue. However, to avoid making your Muslim friend feel like they’re being interviewed, engage in normal conversation too so that they can see how you and your Christian friend respect and love each other.

  5. Give your Muslim friend the opportunity to learn more about your friends. Forming their own relationship independent of your presence may encourage him or her to want to see them more and give them another Christian influence in their life! 

Every person will have their own unique comfort level! If your Muslim friend has grown up in America, they will be used to having a diverse set of friends. If your Muslim friend is a refugee or recently moved from an Islamic country to America, then they are going to have a harder time trusting someone outside of their Islamic community.

Introducing your Muslim friend to another Christ-follower can benefit them in many ways: giving them another loving friend, another person who prays for them, and another way to see the gospel in action.


Dear Lord, please help me introduce my Muslim friend to Christians who can love them well and point them to You. Give me wisdom on the best time and place. Please allow me to be a constant light in my Muslim friend’s life. Amen.

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