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Do you know what Islam teaches about homosexuality?

In the United States, one of the commemorations during the month of June is on the 26th, the day that gay marriage was allowed in every state in the country. In fact, June is labeled as Pride Month for this reason. 

This article is not about "Pride Month" but rather about how we can use current events and controversial topics to connect with our Muslim friends. Never forget, the most challenging conversations could have the highest amount of rewards.

As a start, we need to understand what Islam teaches about homosexuality, but we also have to make it clear in our conversations that as Christ followers, we follow Jesus’ teaching. He loves sinners but condemns sin. 

You could start a conversation with your Muslim friend by explaining how God designed marriage to be between one man and one woman, and that today’s culture has perverted it to mean something entirely different. Your Muslim friend might disagree with this biblical definition of marriage, especially since Islam allows one man to marry four women at the same time. 

But, there will be at least a common ground for you both because most probably your Muslim friend will agree that marriage is supposed to be between a man and a woman and not between two men or two women. 

What does Islam say about homosexuality?

One of the most frequent references to homosexuality in the Quran is when it references “the people of Lot” or men who “lust after men instead of women” (Quran 7:80-81). There are many hadiths that condemn same-sex sexual acts (example, Shaykh al-Albani in Sahih al-Jami’, no. 5891).

In many Islamic countries, there are violent punishments for homosexuals. They are ostracized and cut off from Muslim communities, and sometimes killed.

What about your Muslim friend?

We always want Christians to remember this: Your Muslim friend does not represent all of Islam, and therefore they cannot be held accountable for every action of their religion as a whole. Their personal convictions may not be as severe as the teachings of their religion, and they most likely do not live out the Quran and Hadith as strictly as Islam purists do. You may also be surprised with some Muslims being more liberal in their thoughts, and some even lead secret lives in drugs, homosexuality, and drunkenness.

How to talk about homosexuality with your Muslim friend

If this topic comes up with your Muslim friend, the most important question you can ask yourself is “How can I show Christ’s love to my Muslim friend right now?”

Remember the key teachings of the Gospel:

  • All have sinned and we all need God’s grace (Romans 3:23-24)

  • God loves us so much that He sent Christ to die for us so that all of our sins could be forgiven when we repent

  • We are in a continuous battle between our flesh and its desires vs. our spirit that has been touched by God and given a new life

If you are talking to your Muslim friend about the sinfulness of homosexuality, lean on the Bible. Make it clear that sin separates us from God. We cannot support sinning, because it alienates people from an intimate relationship with God which gives us a much better life. At the same time, help them understand that we are taught to love every person, whether they live holy lives or whether they lead sinful ones.

Pray and allow the Lord’s Spirit to guide your conversation with your friend. Talk openly and honestly with them about the sinful nature of humanity, but focus on the gift that Jesus Christ has offered us! Talk about Jesus’ power that can set us free from any bondage and from sinful practices. That conversation will benefit your Muslim friend more than any debate or argument on sexual sin.


Dear Lord, thank you for being a gracious God. Thank you for forgiving us of our sins and welcoming us with open arms as our Father in Heaven. I pray that you give me guidance for all of my conversations with my Muslim friend and help me love everyone as you taught me. Amen.

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