Jesus is an important figure in both Islam and Christianity. Of course, there are drastic differences in who He is, the true biblical version of Jesus, and what the Quran and Hadith say about Him. But still, because both religions honor Jesus, don’t they both celebrate Christmas, the holiday of Jesus’ birth?
Interestingly, Muslim have a “Christmas story” in their Quran – some of its events are actually accurate and align with what the true biblical account is. Of course, they don’t call it the “Christmas story,” for them it is the birth story of Prophet Isa. You can learn more about that here.
Do Muslims celebrate Christmas?
Most Muslims do not celebrate Christmas, especially those who are very devout in their faith. They argue that because December 25th is not the real birth date of Jesus, whom they call Isa, it is not proper to celebrate him on that day.
Muslims do not only refuse because it is not the true date of Jesus’ birth, but they also argue against celebrating or honoring anyone who is not Muhammad or Allah.
They also do not agree with the belief that Jesus is the Son of God, even though they believe He was born of a virgin through the spirit of Allah. The Quran teaches Jesus was just a prophet, and so they do not give him more honor above other prophets.
Interestingly enough, in the last decade we have seen a change in how Islamic countries have started allowing public displays of Christmas trees and ornaments, especially in touristic areas and around hotels. Some countries, like Dubai, have special programs for tourists during the Christmas season.
On a more individualistic level, many nominal Muslims families who live in major cities in Islamic countries, and those who are exposed to western cultures through education, work or travel, put a Christmas tree in their living room and give their children gifts! This also applies to some Muslims who live in the West. They might celebrate Christmas very casually, as a cultural holiday, but never as a way to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
The Wonder of Christmas draws Muslim in with curiosity
One thing is true: Muslims recognize that there is something special about Christmas. Many express that there is joy, warmth, light, a sense of peace that is different. they cannot explain the reason but we as Christ-followers can help them understand!
Can Christians give their Muslim friends Christmas gifts?
Muslims will not be offended if you give them a Christmas gift! In fact, if you have a Muslim neighbor in the United States who is new to America, then giving them a Christmas gift is a great way to welcome them and open up a relationship with them.
When you give a gift, tell them why we celebrate the birth of Jesus with gifts. It’s not because of what Muslims see on TV, the corporate sales and mass production of red and green decorations. Explain that because Jesus is a gift to us, Christians commemorate His birth with gifts!
You can get some gift ideas for your Muslim friend here.
Gifts can open the way for you to share the Christmas story and help you continue the conversation and stories about Jesus throughout the coming months!
Prayer for your Muslim friend during Christmas
Dear Lord, please ignite a spark of curiosity in my Muslim friend’s heart. Please open their eyes to what they are missing, and give them courage to seek You, the true King. Amen.