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Do I need to prepare to share the gospel? Three steps to be ready for evangelism

There are plenty of reasons someone might not feel ready to share the gospel– too nervous, too rushed, or not prepared.

How do you know if you know enough to share the gospel? Is there a requirement of hours spent reading the Bible before you can tell someone about Jesus? Of course not! Even the newest believer can and should share the good news of Christ.

In John 4, we see how the Samaritan woman is immediately bringing people to believe in Jesus after talking to Jesus for less than a few hours. She was a new follower and already bringing others to meet Him.

Many Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, ‘He told me all that I ever did.’ So when the Samaritans came to him, they asked him to stay with them, and he stayed there two days.John 4:39-40

But that does not mean we are “off the hook” from reading the Bible to share the gospel more effectively.  No.

In the same way a person could run a marathon without training for it, they’ll be much more prepared if they actually spend time running and gathering the strength and tools to run it beforehand. If we want to be prepared to share the good news, then we need to spend time in prayer and in studying God’s word.

How can I prepare to share the gospel?

1. Know the gospel

As a believer, you know the Truth. Christ died for our sins to free us from them and paid the price so we can have a relationship with God.

Christ-followers understand all the implications of the “price of our sins” and why humans can’t have a relationship with God without our sins being paid for. But if someone isn’t a believer, this concept could be confusing.

Many people do not grow up with these concepts. So if you want to prepare before talking to someone about what Christ did for them, recognize you might also have to explain sin and our separation from God.

But Jesus doesn’t just offer us redemption in the gospel, so that’s not the only thing you have to talk about! He gives us new life, peace, unconditional love, and joy in all circumstances! These topics are much more familiar and comfortable for non-believers. Don’t leave them out.

2. Live the gospel out in your daily life

The way you live is in itself a witness to Christ’s work in your life and heart. If you are not living set apart from the world, like the Bible instructs, then a non-believer may think you’re not truly following what you preach.

Works are a fruit of the faith in Jesus, so as you complete step one with intentionality, you will naturally begin to see more Christ-like thoughts and behaviors in your life.

Do not wait to reach a certain biblical knowledge level before you share the gospel, and also do not put on a face to be a “convincing Christian.” But having God’s Word in your heart makes it easy to answer questions, and actions that align with our words make your message real.

3. Know stories from the Bible to readily share them

Bible stories are easy and great to share! There’s a reason Jesus answered most questions with parables and metaphors– the imagery moves and sticks with the audience.

The Bible is full of stories of the Lord’s love, faithfulness, and grace– don’t just tell your Muslim friend about these characteristics, show it to them in the stories! The stories in the gospels are a great start, because they highlight Jesus’ earthly ministry, but there are more stories in the book of Acts as well as the Old Testament.

Remember to share your own story and never underestimate how the Lord can use it in the life of your Muslim friend. That’s one of the closest examples of God’s love for your friend to hear about, and they can’t argue with you that it didn’t happen.

How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.” Romans 10:14, 17


Dear Lord, thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit so I can be a light to those around me. I want to be intentional about growing in my relationship with You so I can live a life honoring to You. Please continue shaping me to be more like You. Amen.

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