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Current Events Guide: June 2023

As we mark the halfway point of 2023, we believe it is important to stay up-to-date on topics that we have covered before, such as the Sudan Civil War, but also to keep our eyes open for new events, like mosque fires in Minneapolis.

While you read this post, pray and ask the Lord to open your eyes to where you might be able to talk about this with your Muslim friend.

Lebanon refugee crisis

There are millions of displaced Syrians who have found refuge in Lebanon in the past years. The problem is that in 2019 the country of Lebanon defaulted on their debts, making them extremely economically unstable. Most Syrian refugees are the poorest in the country, but many Lebanese people are upset by the amount of refugees in their country who are taking their resources and space.

What Christians should say about this:

Do you know where your Muslim friend is from? Do they possibly have family in Lebanon or Syria that are impacted by this crisis? When was the last time you checked in on how they are doing when it comes to Middle Eastern conflicts?

Of course, not all Muslims are immigrants from the Middle East, but do you know if your Muslim friend has connections to those in this conflict? Ask them about it and see if there is any way you can be praying for them. 

Mosques burnings in Minnesota

In Minneapolis, Minnesota at the beginning of May, two mosques were set on fire within a few days of each other. Authorities have brought the suspect into custody for arson, a man who has also been caught vandalizing other structures in the city. There is an assumption that this man set fire to both mosques to spread fear in the Muslim community in Minneapolis.

How Christians should respond:

These acts of aggression should raise concern and compassion in our hearts for our Muslim friends. We’ve touched on the topic of Islamophobia before, but we think it’s important to remember these points:

  • Be the hands and feet of Jesus - we can be ambassadors of love to hurting people, specifically Muslims who feel shunned and afraid.

  • Your Muslim friends are isolated - many Muslims in the U.S. are isolated from anyone outside of their Islamic community. It is important to extend a kind hand to them and invite them into a friendship that is loving.

Check on your Muslim friend and ask if they’d heard anything about the mosques in Minneapolis. Ask them how they are feeling and how you can comfort them.

Sudanese civil war

The civil war within Sudan has continued to grow worse. The government remains in a limbo situation, since the voting for the new form of government was postponed until the violence in Sudan could stop.

Up to 100,000 people have been displaced to other countries by the violence in Sudanese cities, and people who haven’t been able to leave are in distress. Sudan is a primarily Muslim country, so for Christians who live there, they are in just as much danger but with less support than their neighbors.

How Christians should respond:

We need to pray for our brothers and sisters in Sudan who are in danger. Pray that the Lord can keep them safe and also use this opportunity to share their hope in Christ with the Muslims around them who have no hope. It can be hard to keep coming face to face with the brokenness of the world we live in. But we have the living hope through our Lord. So ask your Muslim friend if they have any connections to Sudan that you can be praying for, and if you get the opportunity, talk about how God offers us refuge from the brokenness of this world through Jesus Christ.

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