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Current Events Guide: August 2023

What do international situations in Iran and Sweden have to do with you? Well, both of them are concerning religious rights that will impact your Muslim friend.  Learning about what is happening with the Iranian protests and Quran burnings in Sweden will help you check on your Muslim friend and give you the opportunity to love them.

Iranian protesters kicked out of college

In Iran, the protests against the mandatory hijab rules in the country have not weakened. Even though it has been over 9 months since the death of Mahsa Amini in police custody for not properly wearing a hijab, the women and girls of Iran have not backed down. Most recently, at multiple universities in Iran, young women have been protesting the mandatory hijab rules, through peaceful sit-ins, posters, and social media.

The response has not been peaceful. Young women have reported stories of officers coming into their dorms, searching their things, and taking their phones and protest posters. One student reports being violently thrown from a classroom for not properly wearing her hijab.

Many students are worried about their future, because the universities have threatened to give them zero grades unless they apologize. The option to study abroad and finish their studies in another country is not a possibility for most Iranian women, so their futures are on the line. But it does not seem like any of them are going to stop their protests. (Source)

How Christians should respond:

It is important that we continue to pray for those who are mistreated and abused. These women being persecuted by an Islamic government are incredibly brave for trying to speak up for their freedoms, and it might eventually cost them their lives. Even when media coverage stops, there are struggles and conflicts around the world that we can pray for.

Obviously, it is not possible for us to pray for every war or conflict in the world, but if the situation in Iran is something that you are passionate about then write a reminder to continue to pray for them! Talk to your Christian friends about it, and focus on how you can love the Muslim women in your life.

If you want to learn more about Islam’s treatment of women, please read our posts about it: Women in Islam.

Quran burning in Sweden has international impact

Over the month of July, one act of a man burning a Quran in front of a Swedish mosque grew into an international issue. During the festival of Eid al-Adhas, and while Muslims were gathered at a mosque, a man came up and began burning a Quran, ripping it and stomping on it. The man had been given a permit to protest by authorities under his right to “free speech.”

Other countries waited for Sweden’s response, which did not come right away. While this story was spreading, Sweden was also applying for membership in NATO. Turkey threatened to withhold their approval of Sweden entering NATO unless they condemned the Quran burning, which required Swedish authorities to reexamine the situation.

The tension spread further when the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (made up of 57 countries) urged the United Nations to make a report on religious hatred and urge countries to put in more laws to stop incidents like this from happening. Many western countries resisted, claiming that certain acts should be protected by freedom of speech or expression. (Source 1) (Source 2)

How should Christians respond:

There are ways that Christians can react and respond to this situation that does not rely on politics. It is important for us to love and honor everyone around us, regardless of whether we agree with their religious views or not.

Show proper respect to everyone, love the family of believers, fear God, honor the emperor.1 Peter 2:17

We can also note that while countless Christians are persecuted and countless Bibles are burned, there is never this big of an outrage for our brothers and sisters in Christ. This is not a surprise because it is a reality of the broken world we live in. After all, Christ promised us that the world would hate us because we love and follow Him.

You will be hated by everyone because of me, but the one who stands firm to the end will be saved.Matthew 10:22

Still, there are things we can do. We can share the stories of our brothers and sisters in Christ who are persecuted and send them aid. And when someone acts out in hatred against our Muslim friends, we can reach out to them and check on them too.


Dear Lord, I know that this world will not accept me. I pray for my brothers and sisters who are enduring persecution; please strengthen them and protect them. Give me the tools to support them however I can. Amen.

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