It felt like all the eyes in the world were set on America Tuesday evening as each state counted their votes. But there’s a larger nation and kingdom in the world that also has people watching, and how its members carry themselves will speak volumes. As members of the Body of Christ, we are called to carry ourselves humbly, lovingly, and in a way that glorifies God, whether your favored candidate won or not.
Christ-followers have the ultimate freedom in Christ Jesus and the responsibility to share it
The United States is a country built on freedoms because of colonies that were founded by men and women who either were escaping religious persecution, were seeking other types of freedom, or just wanted an opportunity to start a new life.
As Christ-followers, we have the ultimate freedom! Our chains have been broken and we are no longer slaves to Satan or to sin. Christ has freed us, and we have a responsibility to tell others about Him.
Jesus tells His followers:
“You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven.” Matthew 5:14, 16
Christ-followers are called to be the light of the world in America after the presidential election
God has not blessed American Christians with religious freedom for us to be comfortable. Instead, the freedom and ability to publicly worship and serve God places a strong responsibility on us to use these freedoms to shine Jesus’ light, especially with those who have never heard about Jesus.
Samya Johnson, Call of Love’s Co-Founder, says this:
“The more blessings we have from the Lord, the more responsibility we have to shine His light. It should always be about Him.
Let us use the freedoms we have in this great country and all the resources available to fill this world with Jesus' light. Let us provide the oppressed, those in bondage, those who live in darkness with the Good News so they will believe and live in the Light.”
Samya grew up in the religious civil war in Lebanon and then lived in Egypt where she and her husband Mike served the church underground. They are proud Arab-Americans who have lived in the US for almost 25 years and have used the freedoms they have as Americans to shine the light of Christ to others, both in America and around the world, especially to closed Islamic countries.
How can Christ-followers be the light of the world after the presidential election in America in response to 2024 election?
Ultimately, God chooses the leaders of every city, county, state, and nation in the world. Christ-followers find their peace in God’s sovereignty, not human leaders. So as the United States moves forward with the results of the presidential election, Christians should ultimately focus on shining Christ’s light.
“Therefore I, the prisoner of the Lord, implore you to walk in a manner worthy of the calling with which you have been called, with all humility and gentleness, with patience, showing tolerance for one another in love, being diligent to preserve the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” Ephesians 4:1-3
1. Show the unity of the Body of Christ by loving people you disagree with
Paul is asking the church of Ephesus to walk in the light and be patient and loving towards each other, even when they do not completely agree on everything.
You can still love your brothers and sisters in Christ when they disagree with you on politics because they are part of God’s family like you. We are all saved by the same grace of God, and our identity is founded on Christ, not political affiliation.
2. Be humble and gentle
Our passage from Matthew 5 about the light of the world follows the Beatitudes, Jesus’ list of blessings for different types of people. Verses 5 and 9 say:“Blessed are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.”
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God.”
Gentle peacemakers – that is what Christ-followers can be right now. Gently loving others, and trying to bridge gaps instead of widening them, is a great way for the Church to serve their neighbors after the American presidential election.
3. Boldly proclaim Christ to everyone
In a nation where there are no legal punishments for sharing the gospel, we have no excuse for not sharing the gospel boldly and loudly. People might get uncomfortable or argumentative, but freedom of speech and religion should lead to a great unleashing of the gospel.
The Great Commission in Matthew 28 is not a suggestion. It is not telling you to “live a good life and let people notice you.” It is a direct command from our Lord to “Go and make disciples.” When God has blessed us so generously with religious freedoms and freedom of speech, there is no excuse for not obeying this command. The Christian response to the 2024 election should be a strong outpouring of the gospel.
Prayer for Christians to be the light of the world
Dear Lord, thank you for giving me the gift of religious freedom. Help me to use it for your glory to boldly share my faith and point others to you. I pray for your church to unite right now, not divide itself, so we can be a light to the world. Amen.