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22 years after 9/11: Loving those who were most affected

By Call of Love Ministries On September 11, 2023

There are events in our lives that change us forever as individuals– and then there are events that collectively alter an entire population. The dreadful events on September 11, 2001 changed life for all Americans, and even people and countries around the world.

There are many ways the tragedy of 9/11 changed lives– people lost family and friends, a nation’s sense of security was shattered, and many people began to fear their neighbors instead of focusing on building bridges and loving them.

How to comfort the hurting

We ought to keep in mind the families who lost loved ones on 9/11, because the wound shared by the whole country is also a very personal wound for them.

Remember, we are the followers of a God who heals. Psalm 147:3 tells us:

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Healing is a process that looks unique for each individual. Some may still ache from the pain that started 22 years ago, and we can be the hands and feet of Jesus for them.Reach out to your friend if you know that this anniversary will be especially hard for them. Ask if they would like to talk about it or spend that day with you. Either way, you could set up a time to share a meal or go on a walk. Even a smaller gesture like a text message or flowers will ensure your friend does not feel alone.

Loving your enemies 22 years after a wound

The attacks on 9/11 drastically changed how many people treated their neighbors in America, specifically their Muslim neighbors.

It can be hard to love someone who is a member of a religion that inspired the attacks. The Bible reminds us of how important it is to love our enemies, and the events of 9/11 certainly made people view Muslims as their enemies. Jesus explicitly tells us to love our enemies in Luke 6:27-28:

But to you who are listening I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you.

Do not let your emotions cloud your heart from listening to Jesus’ instructions. In fact, we urge you to view Muslims as victims of the religion of Islam instead of as your enemies. In all Islamic countries and communities, a child born into a Muslim family is not given the opportunity to choose their religion for themselves even when they become adults.

Islam is not a peaceful religion (read more about that here), but many of its followers do not adhere to the purest form of their religion. Your Muslim friend and neighbor is a lost soul who needs to be introduced to the loving God.

Pray and ask the Lord to soften your heart this anniversary. Pain can harden us against loving others, but through God’s grace His Holy Spirit in us can soften our hearts.


Dear Lord, please give me a heart to love those who are hurting around me. Show me the best way to come alongside them and support them. Also let me be a bright light of your love in my Muslim friend’s life. Amen.

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