Get Involved
"How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!?"
Romans 10:15b NIV
There are several ways for you to get involved with us:

Volunteer: There are various areas at Call of Love that need the faithful service of our volunteers: Virtual event coordinator, fundraising and development, English writer, script editing, IT, voiceover talents, graphic design, and multi-language translator.

Prayer: We truly need your prayers to ensure that we are following the Spirit of God and are protected from the enemy! Form a small group to be prayer warriors for our ministry.

Connect us with Muslims: God is powerfully at work among Muslims here and abroad. He is revealing Himself to misguided Muslims and opening their hearts! Please connect us with Muslims you know who are searching for the true God so we can provide them with resources in their own language that will help them on their journey.

Facilitate: Call of Love has a “Dare to Explore” Bible Study which will help change the hearts of believers towards Muslims and encourage them to present the love of Christ to Muslim neighbors, co-workers, and friends. Please let us know if you would like to facilitate this study at your church or small group.

Host “A Call to Love Muslims” Virtual Seminar: Samya shares how she forgave Muslims and was called to ministry. The seminar includes topics such as the teachings of Islam and how we can use them to witness to Muslims, current events, Shari’a Law, Jihad, Muslim women, the spread of Islam in America, cultural and spiritual ways to reach our Muslim neighbors with the Gospel message. The time includes video documentaries, testimonies, and current stories from the field. (2 - 6 hours)

Partner: Make a monthly financial commitment to support our ministry, provide a matching fund, consider including us in your estate to invest in the kingdom.

Host: Invite a few visionary Christians you know for a virtual visit with Mike and Samya.

Connect us with leaders: Call of Love is always interested in meeting pastors, mission committee members, and leaders in your church who have a heart for the lost.

Become a Call of Love Ambassador: We are seeking “ambassadors” who are willing to be advocates within your church and other churches in your area.

Fundraise: Plan a small fundraising event at your church or any convenient place, where we can share about COL ministries and the importance of our new outreach endeavor.