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Feb 2, 2023
Current Events Guide: February 2023
We are a whole month into 2023, and there are many things that you could be discussing with your Muslim friend when it comes to current...

Jan 22, 2023
Answer these 7 questions before sharing your faith story with your Muslim friend
Once you get close to your Muslim friend and you’ve had multiple conversations about faith and beliefs, the opportunity will naturally...

Jan 18, 2023
How Christians can share the love of Christ with their Muslim coworkers
For most of us, we do not have to go far to meet Muslims with whom we can share the Gospel message– the gym, school, the grocery store,...

Jan 15, 2023
What Christians need to know about Islamic fasting
There are many reasons why Islam is different from Christianity, and we have lots of resources to help you identify them! Today we are...

Jan 11, 2023
John 10:16 and how it empowers us to share the Gospel
If you’ve been following along on our blog, then we know you have a passion for sharing the Gospel and the love of Christ with Muslims....

Jan 8, 2023
What you need to correct in your Muslim friend's beliefs as you share the Gospel message
If you’ve gotten to a point in your relationship where your Muslim friend seems to have a genuine interest in your faith, then this blog...

Jan 4, 2023
The Christian’s Current Events Guide: Updates January 2023
Welcome to 2023! We are excited to dive into learning about evangelism and Islam even more this year, starting with our new series: The...

Dec 28, 2022
Setting evangelism New Year's resolutions AND sticking to them
Entering the new year with new goals can be a great time of renewal and re-centering on God’s plans for us. If you have high hopes for...

Dec 18, 2022
Why Christians should start talking about Christmas with their Muslim friends
As Christians, we know the importance of Christmas. It’s the time in which we celebrate the Word becoming flesh– Jesus’ coming to earth...

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