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Apr 19, 2023
“I found a cross on the street.” Christine’s story of leaving Islam, losing everything, and gaining Christ
In our ministry, we are blessed to meet and partner with many wonderful brothers and sisters in Christ from the persecuted church in the...

Apr 12, 2023
How to be a witness for Jesus when you are struggling
Jesus promised that we will have challenges in this world. At the same time, we are told to be a witness to the ends of the earth and...

Apr 9, 2023
Current Events Guide: April 2023
In this month’s installment of our current events guides, we are going to look at news related to Islam and the Middle East. Being...

Apr 5, 2023
He is Risen Indeed! A devotional to look into Jesus’ resurrection and how to share it with your Muslim friend
By Call of Love Ministries On April 06, 2023 Reflecting on Jesus’ sacrifice should not end as the “Easter season” ends. In fact, the time...

Apr 2, 2023
Muslims do not believe in Jesus’ crucifixion– Here’s how you can share the truth with them
Muslims have been taught certain things about Jesus through the Quran, some true and some false. For example, they believe Jesus was born...

Mar 30, 2023
Interview with a former Muslim, now a Pastor of an online Arabic church
Hesham is one of the pastors for an online Arabic church that consists of Muslim background believers that we partner with. He grew up as...

Mar 26, 2023
Are Christians called to be tolerant of other religions?
In recent decades, there has been a growing movement in the world, led by the western media, to coexist and tolerate everything and...

Mar 22, 2023
How can you tell your Muslim friend the Gospel while they are fasting for Allah?
Over the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset to gain favor from Allah and to prove their devoutness to him. It is not...

Mar 15, 2023
Shahadah: The sign of conversion to Islam and its oppressive impact
When a Christian prays for the first time, repents of their sins, and surrenders their life over to Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their...

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