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Spiritual indoctrination in Islam explained: How Christ offers Muslims freedom from spiritual bondage

In honor of the Fourth of July, we want to reflect on the freedom Christ offers us, specifically through the lens of a Muslim who comes to know Jesus.

When people come to know Christ, they find a freedom they did not know was possible. Christ offers us freedom from sin, but also freedom from the powers of the world. He sets us free from spiritual bondages from false beliefs, religious practices, and worldviews.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12

Under Islam, Muslims are constantly under spiritual oppression and indoctrination. Christ-followers can gain an understanding of the bondage Muslims are under so we have compassion for them and rejoice in the freedom the new converts have!

Spiritual oppression in Islam

Islam traps the Muslim in many layers of spiritual bondage. For those who grew up Muslim, this begins at birth when the shahada (confession of faith), is whispered in their ear. Many will be expected to know and recite the entire Quran by the time they are 12 or 13 years old.

When a Muslim child reaches the age where they are asking questions about Allah, say six or seven years old, they experience oppression for the first time. Questions are not accepted or encouraged in Islam. Children are taught Allah will be displeased with them if they do not believe the Quran or doubt any of the principles their religious teachers teach them.

The watchful eyes of their imams and families are always hovering over young Muslims like a physical reminder of Allah’s pressure and expectation of submission and perfection.

Not only is there the systemic suppression of free thinking in Islam, but the Quran itself explicitly says that Muslims are only slaves and Allah is the master. There is no mention of Allah being a father who treats his worshipers as children.

He is the Omnipotent over His slaves, and He is the Wise, the Knower. Quran 6: 18

Spiritual freedom that Muslims can find in Jesus

Jesus offers freedom from the legalism of Islam. When someone breaks free from this dark cloud and finally experiences the love of God in their life, the difference in them is visible!

The freedom Christ gives His followers is like no other freedom! This freedom is filled with the Spirit’s power to release us from past bondages, practices, and hurts.

We have freedoms in the United States that we celebrate, like freedom of speech and religion But these freedoms must have boundaries or they become harmful. In the same way, our freedom in Christ includes boundaries that we must adhere to and obey. Freedom is to be cherished but never be taken advantage of.

Galatians 5:13 in the Bible says, "For you were called to freedom, brothers, only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another". 

How to share freedom in Jesus with your Muslim friend

If you know a Muslim and you want to tell them about the freedom Jesus offers them or even to open their eyes to some of the ways they are held back, here are a few questions you can start with: 

  • Do you feel like you’re allowed to ask questions in Islam?

  • Have you ever struggled with your faith? How were you treated when that happened?

  • Jesus has set me free from my past sins and many hurts. May I share my story with you? I want you to have this same freedom.  

Prayer for sharing freedom in Christ with a Muslim

Dear Lord, thank you for setting me free from the bondage of sin and from the powers of this world. Please give me the right words to share this freedom with my Muslim friend so they can be freed from spiritual oppression. Amen.

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