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Mar 15, 2023
Shahadah: The sign of conversion to Islam and its oppressive impact
When a Christian prays for the first time, repents of their sins, and surrenders their life over to Jesus as their Lord and Savior, their...

Feb 22, 2023
Most people are surprised to learn what Islam teaches about adoption
We recently studied John 1:12-13, a verse that explains how we have been adopted into God’s family as His children. We also touched on...

Feb 5, 2023
Most Christians don't know what the Quran teaches about lying, do you?
Did you know that what Islam teaches about lying is wildly different from what the Bible teaches? Learning about Islam’s teachings is...

Jan 15, 2023
What Christians need to know about Islamic fasting
There are many reasons why Islam is different from Christianity, and we have lots of resources to help you identify them! Today we are...

Dec 14, 2022
Who is Allah to the Muslim?
The core of the Christian faith can be summed up in one sentence: God wants to be in relationship with us! That is the story of the...

Dec 11, 2022
A Christian expert's look into the Islamic beliefs on the Virgin Mary
Last Christmas, we talked about how the Quran contains its own version of the Christmas story and how this can be used as common ground...

Sep 5, 2022
What is a fatwa? Islamic rulings explained for Christians
What is the definition of a fatwa? A fatwa is an official legal decision by a mufti (a person with legal and religious authority in...

Aug 28, 2022
Islam's rules about art, and why every Christian should care about them
You may have noticed that primarily in Muslim countries or communities, there is beautiful geometric artwork everywhere. However, you...

Aug 14, 2022
Why is family so important in Islam?
Both Islam and Christianity value family very highly, but for different reasons. Each side approaches the topic of family with different...

Aug 7, 2022
How Islam uses Arabic to hide the truth
There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world, and as you can imagine, this includes a wide variety of cultures, countries, and languages....

Aug 3, 2022
Did you know Islam teaches about Jesus' second coming?
It is no secret that the teachings of Christianity and Islam are in direct conflict with each other, but most Muslims believe that we all...

Jul 24, 2022
Settling the Debate: Is Islam a religion of peace?
There is an ongoing debate about whether Islam is a peaceful religion. We are here to settle that debate once and for all. We are going...

Jul 20, 2022
Why do Muslims say “Peace be upon Him”? A look at Islam’s prophets
Have you ever heard your Muslim friend say the phrase “Peace be upon him” after saying Muhammad’s name? Have you ever wondered why they...

Jul 13, 2022
The origin of Islam’s god, Allah
We have already discussed the differences between Allah and Yahweh in our blog post: Who is Allah compared to Yahweh? But when we look at...

Jul 10, 2022
Facts you didn't know about the sacred books of Islam
If you are going to talk to your Muslim friend about their beliefs, it is important to know what books they read and base their beliefs...

Jul 3, 2022
What Christians need to know about Islam's mandatory pilgrimage, Hajj
As one of the Five Pillars of Islam, the Hajj is mandatory for Muslims (with some exclusions for medical conditions). In 2022, the Hajj...

Jun 26, 2022
Folk Islam: The dark spiritual side of Islam
A large part of the Muslim population in the world has religious beliefs and practices that are different from the more orthodox Islamic...

May 15, 2022
What do Muslims believe about the afterlife?
One of the biggest questions that comes up in the topic of religions is asking what happens after we die. Is there a life after death?...

May 11, 2022
What is marriage according to Islam?
Marriage is a milestone in life that is treated differently in every culture and religion around the world. A marriage starts a new...

May 4, 2022
Prayer in Islam vs Christianity: What's the difference?
Prayer in Islam is not the same as our prayer life as Christians. Muslims are under a strict schedule of prayers that they must follow to...

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